Monday, March 13, 2006

yUup. >.<
aFtEr rEAdIn sO mAny pPLs bLog. i dEcidEd to bLog aS weLl. hAhH. sO stUpId. okAys.
fiRstLy. i wAnnA tHAnKs mA pEoPlE fEr cElEbRAtiNg a sUpEr eArLy biRtHdAy yA?. tHEy cElEbrAtEd iT oN tHuRSdAy aNd mY birTHdAy iS oNe wEek lAter/ wEEE~
i rEAlLy eNjOyEd mYsElF aND thAnks fOr tHe HARD SLAPS. itS liKE lUcKy mElodY wEnt oFf firSt.. ^_^
sO aFteRaLL. thAnks yAhh. sAynEng iAn mEloDy mELissA aND mY dEAreSt sHAn. =)

and its like its super scary to see how fast a human changes.. like frm fat to thin, frm pretty to ugly or the other way round but the worse is the change in thinking, in attitude, and like the inside?. i think.. well, its like super natural for peeps to change la. of cus but sum changes are just really scary. i mean.. okay i think i'm crapping. nvmm..

okokay.. ya. i currently stuck in this lousy office. i gt to be extra careful when blogging cus i'm in daddys office. and i'm suppose to work. =D but its awfully boring.. hmmm. yayaya..
i wasnt satisfied with the damn idot common test reasults. it kinda sucks la. but i dun really wanna care animore. maybe like the next exam cum then say.. ^^

aND mY bLog sEems dEAd sO ppL pLeaSe tAg yA?. aNd yUpP. jUrsE tAg lA. lOLS.
>.<\ i sUdDenLy tHiNk tHis fAce iS rAtHer cUtE..=)
aNd riGht. yA. i miSs u gUys..
tO mH. wHEtHEr u wIlL reAd iT oR nOt. i juSre wAnnA sAy i wUn giVe uP cUS i'M sUrE i lOve yOU. cUS iTS lIKE lAst tYm i rEmEmbEr u wOuLdnT sAy liKE/. hEy,u aRe tHE mOSt iMpt oNe. aND i aLWays aSk.. bUt u aLwAys sAy THe mOSt iMpt ogEr iS uR mUm.. >.<
tHAts liKe sUpEr lAme lA.
bUt noW, u alwAys nAtuRAlLy sAy iT. =)) hAhah. i thInk tHis a liTt gOne. bUt rIght. sOrRy fOr tHroWinG teMpEr aND liKE sTuFf lA. aNd rIght 10 mThs gOinG tO cUm. anD i tHiNk i'M a pRo rEn-eR.. =)

okAy. tHIs pOSt iS lIke wAts hApPeniNg.. i kNOw. i fEel abiT oFf tOo. =)
tAke cAre anD meL. uR cAp thAt i bUy iS a litTlE gOne. i tHink. sRRy.. [:

Sunday, March 05, 2006

i uSed tO wAn tO cAre. aNd tEnD tO CAre sO mUCh bUt iT jUst fEelS liKE iTs aLl uSelEss.
siCk oF u tElLinG mE wHAt i'M SUPPOSED to bE liKE. jUst lEt iT bE whAt iT iS. tHerEs nO nEed tO pUt iN eFfoRt tO cOrrEct sTuFf aRd aNimOre.
iF iTs fALLing aPaRt. tHen juSt LEt iT fAll aPaRt, iF oUr fRiendShIp tUrns oUt bAdLy tHen so bE iT. jUs lEarn hOw tO FAce tHe fAct.
iF u aRe sAyiNg tHAt i pUsh yOu aRd. tHen i'Ve gT nThiNg tO sAy. i'Ll nT Push u aRd aNimOre. sO juSt lEt uS bE nOrmAl. lEt uS nT sTicK bY each oTher k. i'M aLriGht wiTh iT. i'M NumB aND aLrEAdy gEttiNg uSed oF tHe lOnIlnEss aND tHe chAngEs bEtwEen uS. aNd yUp. lEt iT bE. wHAt its liKE.
UNIMPORTANT. eVerY thIngs fAlLing aPaRt.

HApPy bDAy jAsmiNe/

Thursday, March 02, 2006

i'M sUpEr pIss wiTh mY tEAcHer cAn? wHAt lA. gOne.. aNiwAy thAnks ppL fEr aLways bEinG THere. esP mH. =).
oUr fRiEndsHip wiLl lAst. iT wIlL. i pRomISe.
sHAn mAl MAl rUi iAn sAyNEnt