Wednesday, June 22, 2005
tOday iS jUSt anOthEr pAthetIc liFe iS so ShiTiFiEd DePerssInG..i qaRreLleD wIth mY mUm yEstErdaY..aNd iT wAs thE wOrSe qUaRreL In tHe pAst 14YEars tHat i"m oN eArth..this iS bLoody iRriTatiNg lOrr..i"m At thE oFfiCe..sEe hOw sHiTifIed thIs is?..i"m gOIng tO diE..cUS i'M dYinG to go bAck to siNgapOre..okIe!!!..i jurSE bLog cuS juRse rEaliSe thAt i'vE bEeN m-I-a fOr qUitE sUmtIme..anD i dId sOmetHinG to thE bLogsKin..hAhha..cUs thE lasT oNe iS sPoilT aS in caNnt sEe aNyTHinG..anD i thInk this bLog iS gOinG to have prObLemS sOoN cUS juRse nO the tAg boaRd waSnT workiNg..sO iF u rEad thIs just tRy tAggiNg kIes..cUs praCTiCe mAkeS pErfEct thEn mayBe thE tAg bOaRd wIlL be oKay..iTs lIKe iF praCTiCe mAkeS pErfEct thEn nObOdy iS pErfEct thEn y pRactIce rIghT?..okAy jUsT crAsppiNg aWay..hhHAah..jUst tAg thE taG bOaRd kiEs..=)..mH iSnT onlIne..hAveN bEeN tAlkiNg tO hIm fOr qUitE sUmtIme..i"m dYinG..i hAvE a sHitIfiEd liFe..
Saturday, June 18, 2005
yestERday wEnt tO frIeNd tO stAy oVerniGht..sLeEp At 1.30 ANd WokE uP At 6.00..i"m sO dAmnlY sLeePy cAn?..*yAwnS*..i NEeD tO sLeEp..yESteRDay WaS cOoL..we werE okAy ANd tAlk lIKe we werE likE laSt tYm..nO moRe bU-shuANg-nEss..hahHa..nOW in offiCE..hAlf AwakE..Dun thInk i"lL dO muCh tOdAy cUS wIlL bE sLAcKinG Away..tIlL 6.30..i"m dYinG..lOokIng fOrwaRd tO luNcH tyM..HahahH..dEY wEnt tO kArAokAy yEstERdAy..Hahah..mAny pPL gOt dRuNk lOrr..And thE tHInGs thAt thEy dO iS lIKe fUnny..lAughIng Away..LolS..anD thEy tEst mE thE cHinEse rYmTh i thInk..lOLs..fUnnY likE shiT lorr..lOLs..yuP wOrK tyM stArtIn..bUDbYEss..* pRomIse tO hOld oN nO mAttER wAD..
Friday, June 17, 2005
damnly shattered when i saw the testi u write for her..i thought you were different frm others but after all you are the same as others..u promise mi before we stead..this kinda stuff wouldnt happen but seems to mi its jurse BROKEN PROMISE...its like i tried so hard to get this going but maybe you dun even care..and like imagine you see this kinda testi on a guy profile written by mi..what will you be thinkin? would you feel..i like so damnly hurt,shattered and dissapointed..maybe this means nthin to you..but it means a lot to mi..hais..nvm.
will we carry on?..i tried so hard to get it going but are you?..i'm falling more for you each you feel the same..well..maybe you dun..maybe ur feelings fade long long tym i'm like the fool..=(..maybe this is all a lie..a broken fairytale..
will we carry on?..i tried so hard to get it going but are you?..i'm falling more for you each you feel the same..well..maybe you dun..maybe ur feelings fade long long tym i'm like the fool..=(..maybe this is all a lie..a broken fairytale..
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
yEstERdAy wAs liKe mOoDlEss Day lOrr..AftEr sEeIng uR mSg in FriEnDstEr..iT wAs liKe helL lorr..haiS..i fEeL oVer-pRoTecTed cAn?..anD a BIt pIss oFf.. bUt i'Ve pRomiSe tO do AniThinG to lEt thIs cOntInuE..sO i apOloGiSed..bUt iTs oKAy lErs..bUt i wAs pArtLy in The wRoNg..soRry kIEs..hMmM..sLeEp aT 2.30 am yEstErdaY..sO i"m lIke fReaKinGlY tIreD..
i WiLl hAng on No mAtteR waD..cUS i lOve yOu tOo mUch..i"m cRazzY..lOls..hAlf asLeeP..*yawNs*..
wheRevEr wE aRE..
a WoRlDs aParT i kNow u"lL nEvEr bE thAt FAr..
cUs hEre in mY hEArt thErEs a pIctUre oF us..
tOgEthEr fOrEveR..
fAdIng In thE bRoKen..
wHeNeVer i mIss..
mIss yOu so mUcH..
iTs moRe thAn i cAn bEar..
now i Wun cRy..
i'Ll juSt cLosE mY eYeS anD kNow yOu'Ll bE thEre..
i WiLl hAng on No mAtteR waD..cUS i lOve yOu tOo mUch..i"m cRazzY..lOls..hAlf asLeeP..*yawNs*..
wheRevEr wE aRE..
a WoRlDs aParT i kNow u"lL nEvEr bE thAt FAr..
cUs hEre in mY hEArt thErEs a pIctUre oF us..
tOgEthEr fOrEveR..
fAdIng In thE bRoKen..
wHeNeVer i mIss..
mIss yOu so mUcH..
iTs moRe thAn i cAn bEar..
now i Wun cRy..
i'Ll juSt cLosE mY eYeS anD kNow yOu'Ll bE thEre..
Thursday, June 09, 2005
yesTerday wAs lIke..sHiTTiEst dAe oF tHis tRiP..lOLss..hAd a lItTlE fUn in THe oFFiCe..Then WenT sWiMmiN aFtEr thAt..dEn wENt fOr aEroBIcS lEssoNs..iT wAS cOoL..tHe tRAiNEr wAS FuNNy..tHEn mY mOm bEg mY tO PeI hEr fOr yOgA..tHe yOgA wAs lIKe hElL anD wAs tOtAllY a FLoP loRr..iTs lIKe mEdItAtIon lEssOn caN?..aNd MoSt pF thE PArt wAs tEAcHinG yOu hOw To bREatH..lIKe oF cOuRSe wE gOt tO bREaTH..tHE tRaIner waS a GuY..i THiK hEs a gAy oR sUmtHIng..cUS hE lOok lIKe He hAvE bEEn cHarMeD oR sUmthINg..i WAs ToTaLly gRoSsed oUt bY thAt lEssOn loRr..tHE anothEr gAy that cOme fOr thE lEssoNs wAs aLsO n rIghT..He KeEp AskIn mE tO pAy aTtenTiOn..lIKe iTs sOme kINdA liFe aNd dEath thInGy..Then i DiD sUmThinG stUpID..i tEsT iF i"m dReaMin cUS iTs lIke rEallY baD..i"m lKe tElL mI thiS iS a dREaM..iT likE lAsTed fOR 2 hOuRs cAn?..itS lIKe YUcKs loRr..i"ll nEvER EvEr aTTeNd aNy YogA tHinGy in mY lIfE..lIKe yOu gO thEre To lEaRn hOw To bReatH?..eVeN a BaBy knOw lOrr..loLs..thEn aFtEr that mEdItAtiOn thINgy wE wEnT fOr dInNer..The fooD wAS nIce..thEn i haD thE thOuGHt lIke yOu WiLl onLy gEt tO eat lIKe mAyBe OncE a LIfE tYm..sO i eAt a LOt aNd i lIKe wAnnA vOmIT aFteR thE dInnER..lIKe i GAin 10 kG oR sUmthIng..THeN kEEp bUrTiN..lOLs..tHEn sOoN iTs okAy..=)..thEn i faL a aSLeEp in tHE cAr..hAHahh..wEnt hMe aNd bAthE aNd sLeeP wIth thE uNdRiEd hAiR..
mIsSiNg yOu bAdLy..=(..bUt sTilL sUrViVinG..hAHah..thIS iS sO a lonG pOSt..lOLs..lUncH bReaK iS aLmoSt OvER..hUMpS..
aNd nOw i"m iN thE oFfiCe..pReTenDiNg tO wOrk..lOLs..cHattIng aLL thE way..=x..
u tAkE caRe oF uRsElf k..wAiTinG fOr uR frIeNdSTer rEpLy..mIsSiNg yOu bAdLy..=(..bUt sTilL sUrViVinG..hAHah..thIS iS sO a lonG pOSt..lOLs..lUncH bReaK iS aLmoSt OvER..hUMpS..
Saturday, June 04, 2005
iTs lIke i"m gOing To dIE lA..i'M fEeling So iNsEcure..hUmpS..IZziT cOs i Like You Too mUch or wHat?..aNd i"m mIssinG yOu badlY..hAis..whaeN iS thIs gOing To be OvEr??..=(..jUst cAme BaCk FrM sWimmINg..gOt sun bUrn..cOs hAve bEen in tHe pOol fRoM 10-3..hahHaa..iTs lIke The Only tImE tHaT i Dun thInk Of yOu iS thE tYm wHen i BUzy..THis iS sO kIlLinG mI..hAiS..DYYIINNGG~~...
Friday, June 03, 2005
iTs lIke i"m sErIouSly ROttINg lArS..gEtTing fAttEr aNd fAttEr eAch dAy..hUmpS..iN thE oFfiCe nOw..Its likE eNdLeSs wOrk. dAmn sIaN lOrrS..thE dAe bEfOre yEsTerdAe weNt sHoPpinG..cOoL lArs..bOuGht lOtaS sTufF loRrs..Hhahah..sHowEr cAp aLso..a pInk one thEn mUmmY lOOk aT thE sTuff i bOughT aNd nAg fOr thE wHolE dAy lOrss..thEn wEnt dInnEr aNd then iCe cReaM..lIke eAtiNg iCe-cReam eVery dAy..dAilY thInGy..HahAah..sO its likE gEttIng fAt iS aLso a DailY thINg..LOls..iTS LiKE My DaDDY SeCeRTaRY(IS It SPeLL LiKE THaT?..)Is DaMN CoOL CaN?..WE ARe FooLInG THe WhOLe DaY YeSterDae..iTs lIKe We aRe nT alLOw to Use iNteRnEt fOr Own pUrpOse uNleSs bReak tYm loRr..thEn sHe wAs lIKe gOssipIng wIth mI in mSn aNd aSk mi tO bEwaRe of MY dADdis s[y..lOLs..tHEn kEep pLaYinG pRanKs on the diNg donG oF thE oFfiCe..wRitE plEase kiCk my AsS on a SticKer thEn pAstE on hIm thEn hE goT lOtaS fOOtpRinT tHere bEfoRe hE reALisE..LOlss..hEs bLurR..oKAy bReak's ovER..sO cAnT uSe fOr oWn pUrpoSe lIAo..lOLs..i"m lIke lAmE tODae..=p..bYE bYee~..
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