Thursday, June 09, 2005

yesTerday wAs lIke..sHiTTiEst dAe oF tHis tRiP..lOLss..hAd a lItTlE fUn in THe oFFiCe..Then WenT sWiMmiN aFtEr thAt..dEn wENt fOr aEroBIcS lEssoNs..iT wAS cOoL..tHe tRAiNEr wAS FuNNy..tHEn mY mOm bEg mY tO PeI hEr fOr yOgA..tHe yOgA wAs lIKe hElL anD wAs tOtAllY a FLoP loRr..iTs lIKe mEdItAtIon lEssOn caN?..aNd MoSt pF thE PArt wAs tEAcHinG yOu hOw To bREatH..lIKe oF cOuRSe wE gOt tO bREaTH..tHE tRaIner waS a GuY..i THiK hEs a gAy oR sUmtHIng..cUS hE lOok lIKe He hAvE bEEn cHarMeD oR sUmthINg..i WAs ToTaLly gRoSsed oUt bY thAt lEssOn loRr..tHE anothEr gAy that cOme fOr thE lEssoNs wAs aLsO n rIghT..He KeEp AskIn mE tO pAy aTtenTiOn..lIKe iTs sOme kINdA liFe aNd dEath thInGy..Then i DiD sUmThinG stUpID..i tEsT iF i"m dReaMin cUS iTs lIke rEallY baD..i"m lKe tElL mI thiS iS a dREaM..iT likE lAsTed fOR 2 hOuRs cAn?..itS lIKe YUcKs loRr..i"ll nEvER EvEr aTTeNd aNy YogA tHinGy in mY lIfE..lIKe yOu gO thEre To lEaRn hOw To bReatH?..eVeN a BaBy knOw lOrr..loLs..thEn aFtEr that mEdItAtiOn thINgy wE wEnT fOr dInNer..The fooD wAS nIce..thEn i haD thE thOuGHt lIke yOu WiLl onLy gEt tO eat lIKe mAyBe OncE a LIfE tYm..sO i eAt a LOt aNd i lIKe wAnnA vOmIT aFteR thE dInnER..lIKe i GAin 10 kG oR sUmthIng..THeN kEEp bUrTiN..lOLs..tHEn sOoN iTs okAy..=)..thEn i faL a aSLeEp in tHE cAr..hAHahh..wEnt hMe aNd bAthE aNd sLeeP wIth thE uNdRiEd hAiR..
aNd nOw i"m iN thE oFfiCe..pReTenDiNg tO wOrk..lOLs..cHattIng aLL thE way..=x..
u tAkE caRe oF uRsElf k..wAiTinG fOr uR frIeNdSTer rEpLy..
mIsSiNg yOu bAdLy..=(..bUt sTilL sUrViVinG..hAHah..thIS iS sO a lonG pOSt..lOLs..lUncH bReaK iS aLmoSt OvER..hUMpS..

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