tO mELiSsa: yOu aNihOw lA.. hOw cAn juRsSe wRiTe tiLl lIke tHAt On uR bLog?.. hAis, u aLso mArs.. sKiRt wEar wRonG siDe sTiLl cAn aSk wHicH siDe iS riGht.. sO uNiqUe cAn?..oPppS.. (: aNd yA.. aLSo pLeaSe tAke cAre oF uRsELf aNd gEt wElL sOoN KiEs?.. siCkEnIng gEr..
tOdAy iS lIke gOt pOinTed oUt bY mR fArkIng hAfIz.. hE's lIke crAppIng anD lIke sAy
oUr cLasD pEep hyAve AttiTuDe wE'rE oVer cOnfIdEnt.. cHAnkAt iS a bAd sCh.. bLah blAh blAh, iTs lIke tHose whUm hE rEliEf wiLl uNdErstAnD.. THen hE aSkeD mE tO stAnd aNd cLaiM thAt i'Ve aTtiTude aNd wAnna bRiNG mE tO sEe mR nAhAr, eVeroNe is cLapPin aNd sHoUtiN whEn hE lEft oUr cLaSs.. hE cAlLed hiMsElf a teAchEr..
hE aSk: whUs uR Dm?
i sAy: dUh, nAhAr lA.. bUt lOoks lIke hE's iN tHe hAlL. wHy u gOiNg dOwnwaRds?
hE sAy: i THink wE shOulD sEe mR chiA (sPeLled sUmtHing lIke thAt?)
i sAy; wHUs thAt?
hE sAy: a tAlL anD hAndsUm tEacHer, kNow hIm?
i sAy: naHh, i kNow mR gOH.
hE sAy: whAts uR nAme..
i sAy: u'Ll knOw iN wHen wE sEe mR gOh
hE sAy: lEts mT sEe anIoNe, i dUn wAn yOu tO sEe anioNe, i wAn u tO leArn frOm uR mIstAke.. bLaH bLah bLAh.. bEfOr u lEavE whAt shLd u sAy?
i sAy: i tHink iTs a wAstE oF tYm wAlKin uP anD dOwn.
lIke tOtaLly lA, whUS tHe oNe hAviN atTitUdE la, mAke thE cLaSs sO piSsed.. nVm.. i tHink hE tRuLy sUx.. dAnCe rAwKs tOdAy..=), iT aLwAys rOcK!! mY cHinEse oRaL iS Like hOpelEsS.. tHe cOnvErsAtiOn pArt iS LikE crAp.. tOtAlLy oUt oF pOiNt..
nOtHinG cAn teAr uS aPaRt.. i'M gOinG tO hOLd oN tiLl tHe vEry eNd, fEeLinGs wUn fAdE.. aNd wE'Re nT gOing tO bE sEpEraTe jUst bEcUs oF mY mOm, nEvEr!!.. wE'Ll bEar wiTh iT.. aLl tHOsE rEstriCtiOns..(: i lOve yOu..
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
tHAt hOrOsCoPe thIngy frOm fRieNdsTer, abIt tRuE hUh??.. thE tHiRd pErsOn iS mY mUm sEe??.. loLSs.. cRiEd mYsElF tO bEd lAst niGht.. wHAt sHoULd i dO??
Diet applies to more than just food. Cut back on things that don't make you happy.
You're caught in a relationship triangle, but it's not with two lovers. There is a third person present who is definitely interfering with a current love interest or a potential one. The trick is to defuse this situation so it doesn't turn into your own private telenovela. Step out of this complicated dance, and focus on what matters at the center of your primary alliance. Then pinpoint the easiest, least dramatic action, and do it.
Diet applies to more than just food. Cut back on things that don't make you happy.
You're caught in a relationship triangle, but it's not with two lovers. There is a third person present who is definitely interfering with a current love interest or a potential one. The trick is to defuse this situation so it doesn't turn into your own private telenovela. Step out of this complicated dance, and focus on what matters at the center of your primary alliance. Then pinpoint the easiest, least dramatic action, and do it.
mUhHAha, hAvin a cRAzziIiEeE tYyMm wIThH mELisSa lIm hUi yIng iN thE cOm rOom lA.. sUddEnLy rEAlIsED wE kNown eAch oTher fEr lIke 8 yRs aLreAdy.. WE arE lIke lAmiNg, tAlkiNg tAkIng pIctUres aNd jUSt cRApPinG wIth HERr lA.. sO mAddENiNGGGG.. hAHah.. sO cRAzzYLy cOOL.. mELisSA iS lIke eRm.. tAlKIng tO tHE cOmpUtEr nOw.. sHes hYpErLy bLoggIng..hAHAHhaHHaaaaHHaaa.. tOdAy is oUr 8 Years aNnivErsArY.. hOw cOol cAn thAt bE lA? We'Re lIke tAkiNg lAme pIctUres And iT shOws oUr lAmeSt mOvEs.. (:.. bUt cAnt hElp iT, iTs jURsEe sO siCkEnIngLy fUnN.. jUst lOve hOme eCoNss iN cOm lABb.. mEls bLoggIng tOO nOw.. lLAALALalaalalLAalal.. dOOpEr hOopEr hYpErRrrRr.. tHe tEacHer tOoK mY pHoNe aWay cUs weE kEpT tAkiNG pIctURes.. bOOOoOOOOo0oOOoSSsSSsSsssssSs... stiLL aS hYpEErr.. i'M hApPpPppPiiIIiiiEeee anDd hYYppEerr ANdd cRAzzzzzzzzzzzY nOww.. wEEeeEeweEeEe~..
mElIsSa iS sUffERiNg fRoM sUm gEnEtiC mUtAtioN!!!! lAMe yEA?.. shE thInks shE uNIQUE.. oKAy lA.. quIte uNiqUe in a wAy yEA?.. mELisSA iS sAyiNg thAt i shoot Her.. bOOooOs..
yESsSs~~ i wInnNNn.. =))).. wOots, i'M tHE wiNneR oF tyhE dAy... WeEEhEEehEE~sEE ARs.. mElISsA iS fRom siCkO lAnD.. hAHahHahhHAha, nAnANAnpOPoPOOpOo.. i'M stiLL tHe wiNneR lA.. nAHss. mElLissA iS bLuffIng hErsElF.. thInkiNg shE AlrEAdy wOn.. HOw lAme?.. sEe, shE zIjIpIAn zI jI, sTIlL dAre sAy i zIjI piAn zI Ji.. That shOws hOw zI jI pIAn zi jI is thAt hOrr??.. yA i AGReE..=))
sRrYy fER sUcH a lAme pOst, iTs mEls fAuLt yOU sEE..MELISSA TRYING TO SAY SHE IS GREAT ANG UNIQUE!!!.. fEEl sAd fER hEr.. aWWwWw~.. (:
mELLiSSa bA zI jI dE kUAi lEi JIan lI zAi biA rEN dE tOng kU shAng.. wHAt a uNiquE goTIC..aWWwWWw~.. qUITE cOoL.. pEEpz.. gO loOk at heR pOSt THen u gUys wiLl knOW hoW uNiquE iS shE lA.. jUSr sOOOO `uNiqUe~' ..
tAke a look at mels blogg, you'll know whats happening. seriously..(:
mEl jUSE cAnT stOP suAninG mEe.. cRAppSss.. nVm.. tHiS shOws thAt shEs sUCh a uNiqUe gOrRrRRrriilA.. =)
to mEl: i'm aS sIck, siCkeNinG anD aS cHilDisH aS yOu ARe..=) anD lAstLy dUn zi jI piAN zI jI lErs yEA?.. (:
mElIsSa iS sUffERiNg fRoM sUm gEnEtiC mUtAtioN!!!! lAMe yEA?.. shE thInks shE uNIQUE.. oKAy lA.. quIte uNiqUe in a wAy yEA?.. mELisSA iS sAyiNg thAt i shoot Her.. bOOooOs..
yESsSs~~ i wInnNNn.. =))).. wOots, i'M tHE wiNneR oF tyhE dAy... WeEEhEEehEE~sEE ARs.. mElISsA iS fRom siCkO lAnD.. hAHahHahhHAha, nAnANAnpOPoPOOpOo.. i'M stiLL tHe wiNneR lA.. nAHss. mElLissA iS bLuffIng hErsElF.. thInkiNg shE AlrEAdy wOn.. HOw lAme?.. sEe, shE zIjIpIAn zI jI, sTIlL dAre sAy i zIjI piAn zI Ji.. That shOws hOw zI jI pIAn zi jI is thAt hOrr??.. yA i AGReE..=))
sRrYy fER sUcH a lAme pOst, iTs mEls fAuLt yOU sEE..MELISSA TRYING TO SAY SHE IS GREAT ANG UNIQUE!!!.. fEEl sAd fER hEr.. aWWwWw~.. (:
mELLiSSa bA zI jI dE kUAi lEi JIan lI zAi biA rEN dE tOng kU shAng.. wHAt a uNiquE goTIC..aWWwWWw~.. qUITE cOoL.. pEEpz.. gO loOk at heR pOSt THen u gUys wiLl knOW hoW uNiquE iS shE lA.. jUSr sOOOO `uNiqUe~' ..
tAke a look at mels blogg, you'll know whats happening. seriously..(:
mEl jUSE cAnT stOP suAninG mEe.. cRAppSss.. nVm.. tHiS shOws thAt shEs sUCh a uNiqUe gOrRrRRrriilA.. =)
to mEl: i'm aS sIck, siCkeNinG anD aS cHilDisH aS yOu ARe..=) anD lAstLy dUn zi jI piAN zI jI lErs yEA?.. (:
Sunday, September 25, 2005
i hAte nNrs.. hOw long mUst wE cOntiNue liKe tHis?.. i'M nV goIng to bRiNg uP tO yOu thAt thEres uPhApPinEss liViNg iN mE.. bUt i bUrsTiNg aLreAdy.. tHis iS sO sHiT lA.. jUst hOpe tO bE liKe wHat wE uSed tO bE.. sRry cAnt mAkE iT tO mEet yOu tOdAy..
i'M lOsIng gRiP.. i'vE tRiEd anD i'M stiLl tRyin bUt hOw lOng cAn i hoLe oNn? i jUse hAte thIs fEeLinG.. tHe aLoNe fEeLinG.. i lOve yOu mOre thAn anIthiNg anD yOu aRe eVerythIng tO mE, bUT i wOnDer.. wHat aM i tO yOu??..
i'M lOsIng gRiP.. i'vE tRiEd anD i'M stiLl tRyin bUt hOw lOng cAn i hoLe oNn? i jUse hAte thIs fEeLinG.. tHe aLoNe fEeLinG.. i lOve yOu mOre thAn anIthiNg anD yOu aRe eVerythIng tO mE, bUT i wOnDer.. wHat aM i tO yOu??..
Saturday, September 24, 2005
pAuL iS a hE-sLut..
i hAve bEen sLeePinG fRoM yEstErdAy 5.00 tIlL tOdAy.. sO siCk lOrr.. cRapS.. hUmPs.. bUt whAteVer.. i"m bEttEr nOw.. oKAy.. gOinG oUt wiTh mY siStEr cUs sHe nEed tO gEt sUm stUfF..
tHanks sHan fEr fEr cAriNg sO mUch yEstErdAy aNd thE nAgGinG tOo.. u rOcKs. (:
i hAve bEen sLeePinG fRoM yEstErdAy 5.00 tIlL tOdAy.. sO siCk lOrr.. cRapS.. hUmPs.. bUt whAteVer.. i"m bEttEr nOw.. oKAy.. gOinG oUt wiTh mY siStEr cUs sHe nEed tO gEt sUm stUfF..
tHanks sHan fEr fEr cAriNg sO mUch yEstErdAy aNd thE nAgGinG tOo.. u rOcKs. (:
Thursday, September 22, 2005
so dead fer chinese test. crap la, i sit there then no words came to my mind.. loLs.. so retard.
my blog has no song la.. okay, lasy to upload.. lols.. and ya, srry fer being so overly entu fer dnce yesterday.. i know i did a lot of retard stuff.. =).. just couldnt control myself.. haHha.
its like i really dun understand why ppl go ard tagging and like dun wanna put ur own name.. crazzi lorr.. retard ass la.. do u even look at urself la.. omg lorr.. hais so saddistic la.. den the worse thing is to tag with ppl name.. lols..
so creative lorr..
thanks pEishan fer the photos k.. and ya.. i think the sudden attack is fun lorr.. lols?.. right peishann?.. class's fun today.. a lot of free period.. lols.. coolness lorr.. and jacklyn kicked my leg till its blueblack la.. hahah, yesterday jackyn and peishan jurrse attacking each other.. then peishan like cant win jac de.. so i help.. then we all 123 grap jac's hand.. then sadly we forgot that she has legs.. hahah.. but like its funny lorr..(:
i love minghan.. hahaha.. i like miss him a lott after we met yesterday can?.. i'm in a crazzi mood now.. wEe~
being happy is a choice..
my blog has no song la.. okay, lasy to upload.. lols.. and ya, srry fer being so overly entu fer dnce yesterday.. i know i did a lot of retard stuff.. =).. just couldnt control myself.. haHha.
its like i really dun understand why ppl go ard tagging and like dun wanna put ur own name.. crazzi lorr.. retard ass la.. do u even look at urself la.. omg lorr.. hais so saddistic la.. den the worse thing is to tag with ppl name.. lols..
so creative lorr..
thanks pEishan fer the photos k.. and ya.. i think the sudden attack is fun lorr.. lols?.. right peishann?.. class's fun today.. a lot of free period.. lols.. coolness lorr.. and jacklyn kicked my leg till its blueblack la.. hahah, yesterday jackyn and peishan jurrse attacking each other.. then peishan like cant win jac de.. so i help.. then we all 123 grap jac's hand.. then sadly we forgot that she has legs.. hahah.. but like its funny lorr..(:
i love minghan.. hahaha.. i like miss him a lott after we met yesterday can?.. i'm in a crazzi mood now.. wEe~
being happy is a choice..
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
today jursee sucks la, in the morning me and shann got to stand up due to talking. its like crap can?.. everyone is like so talking la..then the puinshment is like do 20 squats la, and then go general office to makeover.. like totally nerdy.. hahah.. but its like funny la.. then p.e, its like we all cant do pull ups la.. its like even when melissa and shann lifted my leg up so like i can go up la.. but like still a bit shi bai.. lols.. went to shann hse.. its like feel so damn irritated in school la.. the noise pollution is like unbareble can?..
and like stop going ard thinking that everyone likes u can?.. its like ur action piss us off badly.. hor mel?.. ahahaha..
gtg study fer test tmrr, and mummys like nagging bout my reasult.. everyone is nagging about different things.. suffocating can?.. nvm..
i'm whu i am;
if u like me thats fine;
but if u dun;
thats ur own problem;
dun try to change me..
i'm dyinng of depression...
and like stop going ard thinking that everyone likes u can?.. its like ur action piss us off badly.. hor mel?.. ahahaha..
gtg study fer test tmrr, and mummys like nagging bout my reasult.. everyone is nagging about different things.. suffocating can?.. nvm..
i'm whu i am;
if u like me thats fine;
but if u dun;
thats ur own problem;
dun try to change me..
i'm dyinng of depression...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
sumtimes its like look at urself before u give comments on others can?.. its like so irritatin when u dun even bother to look at urself before critizing la.. its like when u say i think u're fat.. and like totally hello la.. look at urself la.. fat and short, my god la.. what a ball..
okay another day to 4 mths.. hahah.. i'm going to change my blog song already.. to gURDIAn AngEl.. woots.. feel so excited.. ahAhah.. i hate that sng can?.. whats ur problem la.. give me my progess report then give that discustin look.. crap la..still say "i'm suprise.."
then i say like dun look dwn on ppl la..
he say' next tym i look up on u'
crazzy la.. nvm aniway he's discusting in aniwayy.. llools, caall my mummi and complainn so mucchh ccrap, i'm always with mh?.. so?.. izzit ur prob?.. farker lorr.. kpo ahpek.
k la.. gtg already.. hahah..
okay another day to 4 mths.. hahah.. i'm going to change my blog song already.. to gURDIAn AngEl.. woots.. feel so excited.. ahAhah.. i hate that sng can?.. whats ur problem la.. give me my progess report then give that discustin look.. crap la..still say "i'm suprise.."
then i say like dun look dwn on ppl la..
he say' next tym i look up on u'
crazzy la.. nvm aniway he's discusting in aniwayy.. llools, caall my mummi and complainn so mucchh ccrap, i'm always with mh?.. so?.. izzit ur prob?.. farker lorr.. kpo ahpek.
k la.. gtg already.. hahah..
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
hMmm, fEw mRe dAys tO 4 mThs..tHen fEw mOre weEks to eXam.. liKe juSt oVer oNly lA, a nEw eXam iS cUmin oN tHE wAy.. crAp.
i owe you an explaination and i dunno how to tell you in person so wrote it here,okay, i know you dun understand whhy did i do this.. , i think its like cus things change and so does ppl.
both of us change and we no longer used to be what we were..and sumtimes i just feel like u always let history repeate and like i dun wann ani of us to go through what me and mel go through and so i think we shant get back, like what u say at first.. after so long, i finally could stop depending on you and like i dun wanna depend on you like i use to, and also i dun wana you to start depending on me becus i dun wan history ta repeate, i know if we depend on one another again. the same thing will happen.i dun wan history to repeate itself.and to me u can onli have one bestfrend, and now my bestfriend is pei shan becus no matter what she's always there. and maybe its becus both of us change, i just couldn'te myself when i'm with you now..
sry if i cant be there fer you like i used to be, i've already promise myself nt to leave peishann no matter what cus i believe she'll always be dere.. and yup..i can always be there when you need a friend but we wun be like the past. sumtimes i seriously think you realy shld cherish friends ard you.. hope you can understand.. i thought of the past and what you tell me on the phone and i think its like we wun be like what we were la, becus we got to built up everything and besides i've got shan already.. so its like i didnt give u as much attention as last tym is like .. maybe i learnt a lot during that 5 mths of cold war..
maybe i should try explaining to u in person cus it sounds a bit lame here.. lols..
aniway, thanks marlene and sry fer the attitude..(;
`learn frm ur mistake..
i owe you an explaination and i dunno how to tell you in person so wrote it here,okay, i know you dun understand whhy did i do this.. , i think its like cus things change and so does ppl.
both of us change and we no longer used to be what we were..and sumtimes i just feel like u always let history repeate and like i dun wann ani of us to go through what me and mel go through and so i think we shant get back, like what u say at first.. after so long, i finally could stop depending on you and like i dun wanna depend on you like i use to, and also i dun wana you to start depending on me becus i dun wan history ta repeate, i know if we depend on one another again. the same thing will happen.i dun wan history to repeate itself.and to me u can onli have one bestfrend, and now my bestfriend is pei shan becus no matter what she's always there. and maybe its becus both of us change, i just couldn'te myself when i'm with you now..
sry if i cant be there fer you like i used to be, i've already promise myself nt to leave peishann no matter what cus i believe she'll always be dere.. and yup..i can always be there when you need a friend but we wun be like the past. sumtimes i seriously think you realy shld cherish friends ard you.. hope you can understand.. i thought of the past and what you tell me on the phone and i think its like we wun be like what we were la, becus we got to built up everything and besides i've got shan already.. so its like i didnt give u as much attention as last tym is like .. maybe i learnt a lot during that 5 mths of cold war..
maybe i should try explaining to u in person cus it sounds a bit lame here.. lols..
aniway, thanks marlene and sry fer the attitude..(;
`learn frm ur mistake..
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
loLs.. nEw sKin.. gOt TA cHAnge tHe tAg bOarD tOo, loLS.. iNvAding in To my privAcY iS kiLlIng mEe..
loLs.. nEw sKin.. gOt TA cHAnge tHe tAg bOarD tOo, loLS.. iNvAding in To my privAcY iS kiLlIng mEe..
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