Wednesday, October 12, 2005

sUmtiMes iTs juSt sO sCarY hOw tym pAsS, i fReaKiNg piSs wiTh mAthS.. aRGghs, tOtaLly lAst iN maThs lA.. crAp. sChoOls fUn lA, wEnT fEr tHAt pRe-tUrN-iN bAd tAlK fEr sELecTed sTudEnts.. tHAts bOo-Ly bOrInG.. wE sKipPed pE yEsTErdAy, hAd gREat fUn wiTH mEl iN tHe tOiLet, sOunDs rEtarDed yEa?.. hAhhHA..

tRue <3 lAst tHe loNgEst, fEeLs tHe stRoNgEr aNd hUst tHe mOst..

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