Wednesday, November 30, 2005

tHis aSshOle cOm aNd bLog iS kiLliNg me..

dIdNt kNow u wErE sO cOmmItEd, thAnks fOr wHAt u sAy.. iT madE mE sUre tHAt i gOt tO hOld on nO mAttEr whAt.. =)

Friday, November 25, 2005

hMmM, diDnT fEel vEry gOod tHe pAst 2 dAys, aNd riGht.. i tHink iTS cUS oF fOod pOisOniNg, gOsh aNd iTs lIke fUnnY cAn?.. i keEp vOmItiNg and hAve gT fEvEr. sO mY pAreNts bRoUgHt me tO The hOspiTaL.. tOtAlLy discUstiNg lA.. i mEAn liKE it cAn sErioUsLy rEcOvEr iTsElf lA.. tHen wEnT tO The hOsipAL. vOmIteD In The tOiLet.. Then iTS liKe tHe dOcTor gAve mE iNjEcTioNs lA.. tHen i kEep mOvIn. Then hE wAs liKe " dUn bLamE Me iF The needLe iS sTuCk In tHerE" gOsh lA ANd tHe nEddle iS sUp[er eXtRA lOng cAn?.. loLs.. bUt afTer That i sToP vOmItiNg bUt stiLl hAviN fEvEr then aFter tHAt The nExt 22 hRs oR sO i'M oKay aLreAdy bUt hAviNg pHobIA tO fOod tHAt hAs a tHaI tHiNgy iN iT.. lOls.. sO nV wEnT tO wRk yEstErdAy.. =) i wAtCh mVp cAn?.. bUs sAdLy i'M iN The oFfiCe nOw.. :(
tHis iS bAd.. whAteVer.. bYeEEe~

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


cUs iTS lIke iF u mEant tO dIsapoiNt mE tHen dUn giVe mE anI hOpEs aT aLl..
tHis sHowS hOw mUch i aM tO u. i'M nOt aSkINg fEr a lOt, i jUsre wAn uR aTteNtiOn anD cOnCern.. cRap, nVm.. whAteVer..

hAviNg fLu nOw, cUs yEstErdAy was oUt aNd iTs lIke sUpEr cOLd.. lOLs.

tO mInghAn: sEnd me a mSg oNLy wHen u aRe sUrE tHAt u miSs mE.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


oKAy bAngkOk iS lIKe sUpEr cOLd, HAhah..
cUrrEntLy wRkIng iN dAds oFfiCe.. loLS..
yUp, THats aBt iT anD i'M gEtTin sUpEr fAt..
tO sHAn: iTs DOG SHIT la.. =)

Monday, November 21, 2005

i seriously miss him, its like msg decress a lot and stuFf la.. =/

then its like i gt to wrk in daddys office which is bad. gosh.. and its like i'm gettin fat can?
this is super bad, boos..

okay, bbq was a success and sry fer making all of u so extra worried.. i'm sorry.. lols..

and yup, will be in 3e1a next yr.. gosh la.. okay, nvm.. haven even buy anithing sch bks.. lols..
and i think i will be returnin to singapore ard end of dec, which is so damn long and its so damn sucky.. and i miss him, shan and mel la, of cus..

got to hug the bear to sleep everyday, just miss u badly. do well fer ur exams k, and take care of urself..
i've already fallen deep fer u and i'll treasure our relationship, without countin the miles between us, the days we've ben apart or the differences between us..

whaa, i sound so pro.. cus right... its frm a bk de la.. buthen i really mean it.. =)
gtg back to wrk, byes peeps..

Sunday, November 06, 2005

gOsH, tMrRs tHe bBq.. gOt eVeryTHiNg pRepAreD tOdAy, WeNt To PaRKwaY WItH MuMmY aNd cOusiN tHen wEnT tO tHe mArkEt wiTh mELisSa tHen cUm mY hSe tHen gO hEr hSe then cUm mY hSe aGaiN, tO tRanSpOrT fOoDstUff. mYlEg iS pAin.. =/

dUe tO bBq i'vE nEgLeCtEd mAny stUFf aRd. weLL, jUsRe hAve tO gEt uSe oF cErtAin sTuFf bAhs.. :) i'M tRy rEAl hArd To gEt uSe oF cHangEs aRd.. wElL, jUSt hAte tHe cHAngEs aRoUnd. hOpe iT cOuLd bE liKe thE pAst.. gOsh. okAy, whAteVer. tHAts aLl. bYe pEepS..

Thursday, November 03, 2005

i'M juSt tHinKing whEn i'M iN mUmmYs cAr, tHe cAr pAst tHe rOuTe wherE wE uSed tO wAlK tOgEtHer, dO i dEsErVe aLl tHis?. are u lEaviNg aLrEadY. i'M sCarD cUs wiThoUt uR cAre and cOnCerN, mY liFe is liKe sHiT. gOsh. pLeaSe tElL mE whATs wRoNg. i dUn wAn iT tO bE liKe tHat, cUs uR iGnOraNce is kiLliNg mE.. sO mAny tHinGs i wAnA aSk. bUt eVerYtiMe i cAll u, u'Re uNavAiLabLe. nVm iTs jUst tHAt eVeryTime i mIss yOu, iTs jUSt tHe pAin i hAve tO enduRe..

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

tOdAy iS sUpEr cOoL cAn?.. aHha, mE mEL aNd shAn wEnt tO tHe mArkEt.. loLS.. wE bOuGht oUr bBq stUff.. hAhhA, cHArcOal And stuFf Then wE toOk tHe bUs. aLmoSt fAlL. lOosE cOntRoL cUs tHe cHarcoAl iS sO eXtRa hEavY.. loLs.. tAlKing aBouT fAlLing. i fElL yEstErdAy. gOt a bLubLacK oN mY leG.. hAhhA. sHant eLEbOrAte oN hOw i fAlL bUt iTs rEtaRd. sEriOusLy. wEnt oUt wiTh mEloDy shAn aNd mElisSa aFter. They dId sUm rEtarD stuFf oN thE tRaiN. lUcky i wAsnt tHere, cUS i tHink iTs lIKE tHEy alwAys dO tHAt kiNdA rEtaRd tHing tHen mAkes pPL aRoUnd tHink, oMg whAt aRe tHEy dOing mAn..=)

i wEnt tO meet minghAn lA. wEnt tO hiS hOuSe tHere tO wAit fEr hIm cUS hE wAna cHanGe tOP gO pAViLiOn, sO cRazY.. dRaW sUmthIng oN hiS hAnD.. tHen tOok pIc. AhHa. sO rEtaRdeD.. =)
mR sNg suCks mAn.. fArker.. gOsh. nVm. hAd fUn, cAnt wAit fer the Bbq dAy.. :)