Tuesday, November 01, 2005

tOdAy iS sUpEr cOoL cAn?.. aHha, mE mEL aNd shAn wEnt tO tHe mArkEt.. loLS.. wE bOuGht oUr bBq stUff.. hAhhA, cHArcOal And stuFf Then wE toOk tHe bUs. aLmoSt fAlL. lOosE cOntRoL cUs tHe cHarcoAl iS sO eXtRa hEavY.. loLs.. tAlKing aBouT fAlLing. i fElL yEstErdAy. gOt a bLubLacK oN mY leG.. hAhhA. sHant eLEbOrAte oN hOw i fAlL bUt iTs rEtaRd. sEriOusLy. wEnt oUt wiTh mEloDy shAn aNd mElisSa aFter. They dId sUm rEtarD stuFf oN thE tRaiN. lUcky i wAsnt tHere, cUS i tHink iTs lIKE tHEy alwAys dO tHAt kiNdA rEtaRd tHing tHen mAkes pPL aRoUnd tHink, oMg whAt aRe tHEy dOing mAn..=)

i wEnt tO meet minghAn lA. wEnt tO hiS hOuSe tHere tO wAit fEr hIm cUS hE wAna cHanGe tOP gO pAViLiOn, sO cRazY.. dRaW sUmthIng oN hiS hAnD.. tHen tOok pIc. AhHa. sO rEtaRdeD.. =)
mR sNg suCks mAn.. fArker.. gOsh. nVm. hAd fUn, cAnt wAit fer the Bbq dAy.. :)

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