Tuesday, December 19, 2006
i gUess u siMpLy jUst lEft. aNd iTs sTatEd so cLeArLy tHAt sHe wAs the onLy persOn tHAt u nEed. sO dUn liE tO me yAhh.
mAybE wE'Ll aLl aCt lIke eVerytHiNgs fiNe.
mAyBe dEep dOwn u rEaLiseD tHAt wE aInt the sAme.
mAyBe tHinGs wouLdn'T bE the sAme iF we diDnt Kept siLeNt
mAyBe iN uR eYes, iT wAs aLl aBt hEr.
mAybe iN tHe first pLace, bestiEst bEstiE diDnt eXisT.
mAybe tHe promiSes diDnt mEan aNytHinG tO u.
mAyBe iT wAs aLl mY illuSion.
The fAct iS jUst thAt i wAnT uR aTtentiOn.
ur cOmpany jUst mAde mE sMiLe.
uR mOves gEts mE jEalOus.
uR eVerytHing jUst sumhOw mAttered sO mUch..
ppL cUm and gO.
bUt u jUst sTayEd..
dEep dEep dOwn.
i oBsErvEd aNd i rEalIsed.
maybe its aLl ovEr.
mAybE wE'Ll aLl aCt lIke eVerytHiNgs fiNe.
mAyBe dEep dOwn u rEaLiseD tHAt wE aInt the sAme.
mAyBe tHinGs wouLdn'T bE the sAme iF we diDnt Kept siLeNt
mAyBe iN uR eYes, iT wAs aLl aBt hEr.
mAybe iN tHe first pLace, bestiEst bEstiE diDnt eXisT.
mAybe tHe promiSes diDnt mEan aNytHinG tO u.
mAyBe iT wAs aLl mY illuSion.
The fAct iS jUst thAt i wAnT uR aTtentiOn.
ur cOmpany jUst mAde mE sMiLe.
uR mOves gEts mE jEalOus.
uR eVerytHing jUst sumhOw mAttered sO mUch..
ppL cUm and gO.
bUt u jUst sTayEd..
dEep dEep dOwn.
i oBsErvEd aNd i rEalIsed.
maybe its aLl ovEr.
Monday, December 11, 2006
(: sHopPinG's gReaT.
bUt i miSs s'PoRe. lOls.
okAys, bUt dAd's sUper uNrEasoNaBLe aNd iTS liKe pIssinG eVerybOdy.
tOok lOtsa pIcs, wiLl uPlOad sOon.
oKAys. tHAts aLl.
bUt i miSs s'PoRe. lOls.
okAys, bUt dAd's sUper uNrEasoNaBLe aNd iTS liKe pIssinG eVerybOdy.
tOok lOtsa pIcs, wiLl uPlOad sOon.
oKAys. tHAts aLl.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
;( meTaL sTrUgGLe iS bAd. bOOs.
siNcE duNno wHEn.. i'm wAitiNg, hopinG fOr sUmtHing. =(((
okAys, tOdAy wEnt tO gRandMa hSe tO cElebRate siS, dAd aND gRandma's B-dAy. aTe lotsa stUfF wHich rEsulTed iN tHe' fAt feEliNg'
wElL, kiNdA dEpreSs tOdAy.
bUt i pAckEd aLl my bOoks aNd nOtEs. (:
iF u'rE uNwilLing tO aCkNowlEdgE a pRobLem
oR iF u'Re uNwiLling tO aCknowlEdgE
a sELf-dEstructiVe eMotiOn.
iT wUn gO aWay
evEn iF uR 'mEntAl eYe' iS cLoseD :(
siNcE duNno wHEn.. i'm wAitiNg, hopinG fOr sUmtHing. =(((
okAys, tOdAy wEnt tO gRandMa hSe tO cElebRate siS, dAd aND gRandma's B-dAy. aTe lotsa stUfF wHich rEsulTed iN tHe' fAt feEliNg'
wElL, kiNdA dEpreSs tOdAy.
bUt i pAckEd aLl my bOoks aNd nOtEs. (:
iF u'rE uNwilLing tO aCkNowlEdgE a pRobLem
oR iF u'Re uNwiLling tO aCknowlEdgE
a sELf-dEstructiVe eMotiOn.
iT wUn gO aWay
evEn iF uR 'mEntAl eYe' iS cLoseD :(
Thursday, November 02, 2006
(; sCh wAs fUnn. lOLs.
i lEArn sUm mAths dUriNg lEsson. i tHink i liKe that tOPic yAhh.
wEnt tO sErene'S hSe tHen sHe cAme oVer. we'Re gNg to hAve a eAtiNg sPrEe. =]] wE hAd oniOn riNgs, sWeet aNd sAlted pOpcOrn.wE'rE makiNg jElLy aNd cOokiNg mEe sIAm lAter. (: mUHahhA. wE'rE gng to pLay nEopEtTtTs. yUppIeS... *)
sUmtYms i jUst tHnk thAt wE jUSt sHLdnT dEmaNd tO gEt tHiNgs wE aiNt cOnfiDent aBt gEtting. wE sHldnt pLace oUr bEts tOo cOnfidEntLy. cUs iN tHE eNd iT'Ll oNLy bRiNg hUmiLiatiOn. mAyBE tHAts jUst lYfEe. ((:
i reAlLy hAd grEAt fUn today. wE cooKed. lOLs, aBit aNyhOw lA. sErenE's rEcipe a bIt gOne lEis. lOLs, bUt aHh.. oNce a pRo alwAys a pRo. *-* iT turned oUt dAmn niCe thougH tHe cOokiNg proCess a liTtlE 'OFF'. hAhha
i sEriosLy wiLl mISs hEr wHen i'M awAy. bOos. :[
tO sErEnE: u bEttEr aRriVe eArLy aT MY hSe tMr aHh. ((: eHh, wAkE mE uP firSt. lOLs. cYa liTtLe lAdy. hAhHa. <3>
oKay nEopEts tYmm..
i lEArn sUm mAths dUriNg lEsson. i tHink i liKe that tOPic yAhh.
wEnt tO sErene'S hSe tHen sHe cAme oVer. we'Re gNg to hAve a eAtiNg sPrEe. =]] wE hAd oniOn riNgs, sWeet aNd sAlted pOpcOrn.wE'rE makiNg jElLy aNd cOokiNg mEe sIAm lAter. (: mUHahhA. wE'rE gng to pLay nEopEtTtTs. yUppIeS... *)
sUmtYms i jUst tHnk thAt wE jUSt sHLdnT dEmaNd tO gEt tHiNgs wE aiNt cOnfiDent aBt gEtting. wE sHldnt pLace oUr bEts tOo cOnfidEntLy. cUs iN tHE eNd iT'Ll oNLy bRiNg hUmiLiatiOn. mAyBE tHAts jUst lYfEe. ((:
i reAlLy hAd grEAt fUn today. wE cooKed. lOLs, aBit aNyhOw lA. sErenE's rEcipe a bIt gOne lEis. lOLs, bUt aHh.. oNce a pRo alwAys a pRo. *-* iT turned oUt dAmn niCe thougH tHe cOokiNg proCess a liTtlE 'OFF'. hAhha
i sEriosLy wiLl mISs hEr wHen i'M awAy. bOos. :[
tO sErEnE: u bEttEr aRriVe eArLy aT MY hSe tMr aHh. ((: eHh, wAkE mE uP firSt. lOLs. cYa liTtLe lAdy. hAhHa. <3>
oKay nEopEts tYmm..
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
oHh mAn.
gOt rEpoRt bOoks bAck tOdAy. (: quiTe sAtiSfiED. lOLs.
aFter tHAt wEnt KFC, sErEne bOuGht eAriNgs. oHh, wE wALked tHE lOng lONg wAy fRm simEi tO tAm. wHoo.
wElL, fiRstLy.. i gOt tO sAy thAt iT wAs qUite oBviOus tHat wE diDnt liKEd yOu aNd u diDnt liKe uS. bUt tHE tHiNg tHAt wE cAnt dEny iS thAt wE'Ll aLl waitiNg foR eAcHotHer'S fAiLurE aNd mAke iT tHe jOkE oF thE dAy. aND wElL, mAybE uR pOst wAs fOr aNonYmoUs bUt u fAiLed uR cHem sO hElLo~ aiNt iT obvioUs thAt aNoNymOus gOt the lAst lauGh aNd i'LL tOtAlly sUpPoRt aNoNymOus nO matTEr wHo hE oR sHe iS bEcUs itS lIkE tOtally dUmb tO cOnfiDentLy tHiNk tHat u'Ll gEt tHe vEry lAst lAuGh.
weLl weLl wElL, aNd i diDnt kNow tHat u'Re sUchA uN-intErestiNg nO lYfEe pErsOn. qUite aMaziNg yAh mY oNe sHoRt pOst cAn mAke u fEel sO aMused aND eVen bE tHe jOke oF tHe cEntUry. lOLs, mayBE u jUst lEad sUm bOriNg lYfEe aNd tHerE iSnt aNy aMusmEnt in uR lYfEe.
i sAw a pOst oN a bLog thAt has lOTs oF cOmmEnts aBt nEhpok cRew.
[[[i don't care wat ppl has got to say about me. Its my life and i'll live it the way i want. Nobody can stop me, not even the NAPOK CREW. Ell, wat kind of name is that. How cheep it is. Its seems that you al are typical *****. Get a life freakos. Your English sucks like hell. And wat more, you are so ignorant, that you dun even noe who you are mixing with. Dun forget, one of them in the group is also an Indian. Have you heard of the saying: What goes around, comes around. Ah, nevermind, i dun think you have heard it, you are too busy wif your Napok Crew. LOL!!! There's another dumb person in dat group. Has she lost hers senses or wat. Wats got into her. Just because of that *****, she dumped her best friend. Nevermind, this type ppl, only bad will befall on them. They realize one day how dumb they were. By then, dun even think of coming back to us. We no longer think you necessary in our lives. We three are happy among ourselves. =)]]]COPIED FROM RESHMI GIRI"S BLOG.
hEllo~ wE dUn nOt giVe a sHYtEe aBt uR lYfEe lAdy, wE diDnt eVEn hAd thAt tiNy tHoUghTs aBt stOpiNg tHe wAy u leaD uR lYfEe. cUMoN, eVen cLeaning tHe cOw's aSs iS mUch mRe mORe eNtErtAiNiNg. (:
oHh aNd iTs NEHPOK CREW nOt NAPOK CREW.dUn teLl us tO gEt a lYfee wHEn u dUn have oNe uRsElF. iTs oUr nAme aND wE dUn nEed yOu tO cOmMEnt On iT. u tHiNk iTs a cHeap nAme. hElLo~ i tHiNk uR nAme sOund much cHeapEr :]]. aNd riGht, iTs a perSoN's choiCe tO miX aRd wiTh oTher ppL aNd wiTh cOmmOn sEnSe u wiLl sEe thiS fAct. u jUdgEd mE, u tHiNk that i'M bad iNfLuEnCe, oKay fiNE! i'Ve gOt nThing tO sAy cUs diFferEnt iNdivIduAl lOoK aT sTuFf diFferEntLy, i'Ve aCceptEd uR pOiNt oF viEw cUs i dUn tHink iT pLay an iMpOrTant roLE aNd i'M oBviOusLy unaFfectEd. bUt sHe diDnt dUmBed hEr bEstfRieNd, iT jUSt tHAt tHings diDnt tUrned oUt weLl aND tHey wEre driFtEd apArt tHats aLL.AnD lEt mE tElL u la, eVen iF oNe day everyoNe is dEad. sHe wUn gO bacK tO u gUys,oHh aND iN cAse u dO nOt kNow aHh,u aRe aLSo sUper tUrBoo-Ly nOt nEcEssAry in oUr liVEs aNd bEttEr stiLl, u cAn diSsApEar. oHh, i aDmit i dOn't qUitE liKe tHE iNdian rAce. bUt tHat dOeSn'T mEan that i hate aLl iNdIans..i tHink tHat mYdiN's a gReat fRiend aNd sO is saNofar aNd bOth aRe indIans.bTw,i'm rEaLly cUriOus..wHo aRe u to judGe our eNg. i pAssEd aLl (eXcept a-mAth) oF my sUbjEcts incLuding eNg. bUt diD u?fRm whAt i kNOw u fAiled cHem aNd bOth mAthS yAhh. tSk tSk tSk. sO iF u aInt bEtTer tHAn dUn jUdgE aND pLs la, u dUn eVen have tHE riGht tO say aNyThIng aBt oUr sTudiEs. cUs i tHinK aHh aLl oF us diD bEttEr tHan u. ^-^
wE vEry aWaRe wHu wE're miXing wiTh aNd wE'rE pErfEctLy cOntEnted wiTh oUr lIfE cOnditiOn aNd wE dUn nEed sUm aCtrEss-wAnnA-bE tO commEnt aBt uS. (:
wE'rE aLL haPpy wiTh oUr lYfEe.
hMmm, haven'T bEen bLogiNg cUs i wAs bUsy wiTh fUnErAl. +((
iT wAs hEart bReakiNg bUt mAybE that lYfEe. aNd her dEatH made mE pOnDer..
iTs sAid tHAt tHe sEcoNd mOst iNtEnse liFe strEss iS lOss oF lOve.
hOweVer wiTh dEath yOu hAve tHe pEace of kNowiNg yOu wEre in yOur loSt loVed oNe's hEart. yOu wEre nOt aBanDonEd pUrpOseLy, cAst aSide, or rEjectEd. wiTh dEath yOu cAn tAke oFf wOrk aNd gEt sYmpAthy. yOu aRe giVen giFts oF coMfoRt aNd uNderStaNdiNg. yOu cAn gO tHroUgh cLosiNg riTuaLs aNd yOu cAn fEel coNtEntmEnt tHat tHey aRe iN a beTter pLace.bUt wItH bReakUps, sEparAtion, oR diVorCe, evEn tHouGh yOu hAve tHe asSurAnce tHat tHey aRe sTilL aLive sUmwHere oN tHis EarTh, tHeir lOve wAs iNteNtionAlly wiThdrAwn fRm yOu... ThEy oPted tO lEave oR hUrt yOu. wE nO lOngEr hAve tHeir pResEnce, nOr tHeir cAre.eiTher wAy, dEath or bReakUp, yOu hAd liTtle sAy or cOntroL oVer tHe siTuatiOn.
I've oFten wOndered iF hE hAd bEen aBLe tO dEaL wiTh hIs lOSs eAsiEr iF i hAd bEen tAken aWay fRm hIm aT gOd'S wiLL wHiLE i sTiLl lOvEd hIm,iNsTeAd oF mY intEntiOnaL,dirEct wiThdRawAL oF mY lOve fOr hIm oN mY oWn voLitiOn.wULd hE fEel bEttEr if i'm dEad?i'M nOt iMpLyiNg tHat i want dEatH.tHats jUst tO sAy i tHiNk hiS owN pErsOnAl gRiEf wOuLd hAve bEen lEsS sElF-dEstRuctiVe,mOre accepTed anD sOciAlLy sUpporteD.. tHiNgs wiLl nV bE tHe sAme aGain, cUs mAyBe i thInk u had ur cHanCe bUt u bLew it aNd tHat wE'Ll nV rEturn tO tHe pAst,cUs it"l be qUite a lOng tYm befORe i'Ll bE wiLliNg tO sTart a relatiOnsHip. i'm sRry :(
oKAy, tHis'S a lOng pOst. (:
i hOpe eVeryoNe tResUre pPL aRd bEfOre iTs tOo laTe. yUpP, cUs dEath is a pErmEnAnt tHing.
tAke cArE~
gOt rEpoRt bOoks bAck tOdAy. (: quiTe sAtiSfiED. lOLs.
aFter tHAt wEnt KFC, sErEne bOuGht eAriNgs. oHh, wE wALked tHE lOng lONg wAy fRm simEi tO tAm. wHoo.
wElL, fiRstLy.. i gOt tO sAy thAt iT wAs qUite oBviOus tHat wE diDnt liKEd yOu aNd u diDnt liKe uS. bUt tHE tHiNg tHAt wE cAnt dEny iS thAt wE'Ll aLl waitiNg foR eAcHotHer'S fAiLurE aNd mAke iT tHe jOkE oF thE dAy. aND wElL, mAybE uR pOst wAs fOr aNonYmoUs bUt u fAiLed uR cHem sO hElLo~ aiNt iT obvioUs thAt aNoNymOus gOt the lAst lauGh aNd i'LL tOtAlly sUpPoRt aNoNymOus nO matTEr wHo hE oR sHe iS bEcUs itS lIkE tOtally dUmb tO cOnfiDentLy tHiNk tHat u'Ll gEt tHe vEry lAst lAuGh.
weLl weLl wElL, aNd i diDnt kNow tHat u'Re sUchA uN-intErestiNg nO lYfEe pErsOn. qUite aMaziNg yAh mY oNe sHoRt pOst cAn mAke u fEel sO aMused aND eVen bE tHe jOke oF tHe cEntUry. lOLs, mayBE u jUst lEad sUm bOriNg lYfEe aNd tHerE iSnt aNy aMusmEnt in uR lYfEe.
i sAw a pOst oN a bLog thAt has lOTs oF cOmmEnts aBt nEhpok cRew.
[[[i don't care wat ppl has got to say about me. Its my life and i'll live it the way i want. Nobody can stop me, not even the NAPOK CREW. Ell, wat kind of name is that. How cheep it is. Its seems that you al are typical *****. Get a life freakos. Your English sucks like hell. And wat more, you are so ignorant, that you dun even noe who you are mixing with. Dun forget, one of them in the group is also an Indian. Have you heard of the saying: What goes around, comes around. Ah, nevermind, i dun think you have heard it, you are too busy wif your Napok Crew. LOL!!! There's another dumb person in dat group. Has she lost hers senses or wat. Wats got into her. Just because of that *****, she dumped her best friend. Nevermind, this type ppl, only bad will befall on them. They realize one day how dumb they were. By then, dun even think of coming back to us. We no longer think you necessary in our lives. We three are happy among ourselves. =)]]]COPIED FROM RESHMI GIRI"S BLOG.
hEllo~ wE dUn nOt giVe a sHYtEe aBt uR lYfEe lAdy, wE diDnt eVEn hAd thAt tiNy tHoUghTs aBt stOpiNg tHe wAy u leaD uR lYfEe. cUMoN, eVen cLeaning tHe cOw's aSs iS mUch mRe mORe eNtErtAiNiNg. (:
oHh aNd iTs NEHPOK CREW nOt NAPOK CREW.dUn teLl us tO gEt a lYfee wHEn u dUn have oNe uRsElF. iTs oUr nAme aND wE dUn nEed yOu tO cOmMEnt On iT. u tHiNk iTs a cHeap nAme. hElLo~ i tHiNk uR nAme sOund much cHeapEr :]]. aNd riGht, iTs a perSoN's choiCe tO miX aRd wiTh oTher ppL aNd wiTh cOmmOn sEnSe u wiLl sEe thiS fAct. u jUdgEd mE, u tHiNk that i'M bad iNfLuEnCe, oKay fiNE! i'Ve gOt nThing tO sAy cUs diFferEnt iNdivIduAl lOoK aT sTuFf diFferEntLy, i'Ve aCceptEd uR pOiNt oF viEw cUs i dUn tHink iT pLay an iMpOrTant roLE aNd i'M oBviOusLy unaFfectEd. bUt sHe diDnt dUmBed hEr bEstfRieNd, iT jUSt tHAt tHings diDnt tUrned oUt weLl aND tHey wEre driFtEd apArt tHats aLL.AnD lEt mE tElL u la, eVen iF oNe day everyoNe is dEad. sHe wUn gO bacK tO u gUys,oHh aND iN cAse u dO nOt kNow aHh,u aRe aLSo sUper tUrBoo-Ly nOt nEcEssAry in oUr liVEs aNd bEttEr stiLl, u cAn diSsApEar. oHh, i aDmit i dOn't qUitE liKe tHE iNdian rAce. bUt tHat dOeSn'T mEan that i hate aLl iNdIans..i tHink tHat mYdiN's a gReat fRiend aNd sO is saNofar aNd bOth aRe indIans.bTw,i'm rEaLly cUriOus..wHo aRe u to judGe our eNg. i pAssEd aLl (eXcept a-mAth) oF my sUbjEcts incLuding eNg. bUt diD u?fRm whAt i kNOw u fAiled cHem aNd bOth mAthS yAhh. tSk tSk tSk. sO iF u aInt bEtTer tHAn dUn jUdgE aND pLs la, u dUn eVen have tHE riGht tO say aNyThIng aBt oUr sTudiEs. cUs i tHinK aHh aLl oF us diD bEttEr tHan u. ^-^
wE vEry aWaRe wHu wE're miXing wiTh aNd wE'rE pErfEctLy cOntEnted wiTh oUr lIfE cOnditiOn aNd wE dUn nEed sUm aCtrEss-wAnnA-bE tO commEnt aBt uS. (:
wE'rE aLL haPpy wiTh oUr lYfEe.
hMmm, haven'T bEen bLogiNg cUs i wAs bUsy wiTh fUnErAl. +((
iT wAs hEart bReakiNg bUt mAybE that lYfEe. aNd her dEatH made mE pOnDer..
iTs sAid tHAt tHe sEcoNd mOst iNtEnse liFe strEss iS lOss oF lOve.
hOweVer wiTh dEath yOu hAve tHe pEace of kNowiNg yOu wEre in yOur loSt loVed oNe's hEart. yOu wEre nOt aBanDonEd pUrpOseLy, cAst aSide, or rEjectEd. wiTh dEath yOu cAn tAke oFf wOrk aNd gEt sYmpAthy. yOu aRe giVen giFts oF coMfoRt aNd uNderStaNdiNg. yOu cAn gO tHroUgh cLosiNg riTuaLs aNd yOu cAn fEel coNtEntmEnt tHat tHey aRe iN a beTter pLace.bUt wItH bReakUps, sEparAtion, oR diVorCe, evEn tHouGh yOu hAve tHe asSurAnce tHat tHey aRe sTilL aLive sUmwHere oN tHis EarTh, tHeir lOve wAs iNteNtionAlly wiThdrAwn fRm yOu... ThEy oPted tO lEave oR hUrt yOu. wE nO lOngEr hAve tHeir pResEnce, nOr tHeir cAre.eiTher wAy, dEath or bReakUp, yOu hAd liTtle sAy or cOntroL oVer tHe siTuatiOn.
I've oFten wOndered iF hE hAd bEen aBLe tO dEaL wiTh hIs lOSs eAsiEr iF i hAd bEen tAken aWay fRm hIm aT gOd'S wiLL wHiLE i sTiLl lOvEd hIm,iNsTeAd oF mY intEntiOnaL,dirEct wiThdRawAL oF mY lOve fOr hIm oN mY oWn voLitiOn.wULd hE fEel bEttEr if i'm dEad?i'M nOt iMpLyiNg tHat i want dEatH.tHats jUst tO sAy i tHiNk hiS owN pErsOnAl gRiEf wOuLd hAve bEen lEsS sElF-dEstRuctiVe,mOre accepTed anD sOciAlLy sUpporteD.. tHiNgs wiLl nV bE tHe sAme aGain, cUs mAyBe i thInk u had ur cHanCe bUt u bLew it aNd tHat wE'Ll nV rEturn tO tHe pAst,cUs it"l be qUite a lOng tYm befORe i'Ll bE wiLliNg tO sTart a relatiOnsHip. i'm sRry :(
oKAy, tHis'S a lOng pOst. (:
i hOpe eVeryoNe tResUre pPL aRd bEfOre iTs tOo laTe. yUpP, cUs dEath is a pErmEnAnt tHing.
tAke cArE~
Saturday, October 21, 2006
=(( u're affecting me.
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
Friday, October 20, 2006
oKay, hAhH. i seriOusLy dUn liKe sUm pPl iN cLaSs.
i toTaLly tHiNk tHAt WE GOT THE LAST LAUGH. hahHAhahhhAHHHaaHHa. pLs lA, iF u aIn't cOnfidEnt tHEn dUn blOG thIS (: WELL WE SHALL SEE WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH. oN uR bLog. cUs aHh, a litTlE paisEh aHh. BULLCRAP. i tHink liKE sHe liKE vEry oVer cOnfidEnt cAn.
okAy, lEtt mE eXpLAin.. sUm pPL fRm 3e1 wAnnA sEe wHu wiLl gEts tHe lAst lAugH cUs sErenE sAys thAt sHe sTudIed hArd aNd dIDnt gEt her deSirEd rEsuLts. sO sHE rEsUlted iN bLoggiNg oN bLog iN cAps sAy 'seE whU gEts tHE lAst lAugH'. bUt I tHiNk u diDnt gEt uR eXpEctEd lAst lAuGh. wAkAkKAka. (:
mAybE u'Ll tHink tHat i'M aN aRrogAnt liTtlE bYaTcH. tHEn lEt mE tElL u, i tHink u'rE wOrst. ^-^
wElL, rEsULtS wEre liKE okAy lA. (: bUt i stiLl fAiLEd a-mAths bY 2 markS. lOLs, thAts aN aChiEvEmEnt lA. i gUess. =) mAthS wAsNt vEry wEll-Ly doNe. bUt tHE rEst wAs okAy lA hUHh.
oKAy, i dUn liKe mY mAths tEacHer. fArkIng fAtTy!!sHe sEnd mE fOr rEfEreR sAyiNg that i thrEAthenEd hEr. wHa pIAnG, gOt bRaIns noT. whAt thE pI lA. okAy, then tOdAy gT giRlS cHeck. i nEed tO unpIck mY sKiRt. bUt thE teachers tRusted me to uNpIck mYsElF aNd rEtUrn thE uNpiCkEr tO thE gEnErAl oFfiCe. tHAt wAs niCe. (: bUt i didnt unpIck fIniSh lA. lOLs. i wAsNt thAt hOnest. ;)) hEy, bUt qUitE coOl lA hUh. nThiNG cOnfIscatEd. =DD
wEnt oUt wiTh sHan tHAt dAy, i hAd gREat fUN. oH mAn. sHE'S a liTtlE rEtarDeD lA. bUt i stiLl rEalLy tReaSure tYms wE sPent tGt. (: cUs xiE pEi sHan'S PRecIoUs lA. *-*
hOpe u'Ll gEt pRomOtEd lA. BEST LUCKS.
i toTaLly tHiNk tHAt WE GOT THE LAST LAUGH. hahHAhahhhAHHHaaHHa. pLs lA, iF u aIn't cOnfidEnt tHEn dUn blOG thIS (: WELL WE SHALL SEE WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH. oN uR bLog. cUs aHh, a litTlE paisEh aHh. BULLCRAP. i tHink liKE sHe liKE vEry oVer cOnfidEnt cAn.
okAy, lEtt mE eXpLAin.. sUm pPL fRm 3e1 wAnnA sEe wHu wiLl gEts tHe lAst lAugH cUs sErenE sAys thAt sHe sTudIed hArd aNd dIDnt gEt her deSirEd rEsuLts. sO sHE rEsUlted iN bLoggiNg oN bLog iN cAps sAy 'seE whU gEts tHE lAst lAugH'. bUt I tHiNk u diDnt gEt uR eXpEctEd lAst lAuGh. wAkAkKAka. (:
mAybE u'Ll tHink tHat i'M aN aRrogAnt liTtlE bYaTcH. tHEn lEt mE tElL u, i tHink u'rE wOrst. ^-^
wElL, rEsULtS wEre liKE okAy lA. (: bUt i stiLl fAiLEd a-mAths bY 2 markS. lOLs, thAts aN aChiEvEmEnt lA. i gUess. =) mAthS wAsNt vEry wEll-Ly doNe. bUt tHE rEst wAs okAy lA hUHh.
oKAy, i dUn liKe mY mAths tEacHer. fArkIng fAtTy!!sHe sEnd mE fOr rEfEreR sAyiNg that i thrEAthenEd hEr. wHa pIAnG, gOt bRaIns noT. whAt thE pI lA. okAy, then tOdAy gT giRlS cHeck. i nEed tO unpIck mY sKiRt. bUt thE teachers tRusted me to uNpIck mYsElF aNd rEtUrn thE uNpiCkEr tO thE gEnErAl oFfiCe. tHAt wAs niCe. (: bUt i didnt unpIck fIniSh lA. lOLs. i wAsNt thAt hOnest. ;)) hEy, bUt qUitE coOl lA hUh. nThiNG cOnfIscatEd. =DD
wEnt oUt wiTh sHan tHAt dAy, i hAd gREat fUN. oH mAn. sHE'S a liTtlE rEtarDeD lA. bUt i stiLl rEalLy tReaSure tYms wE sPent tGt. (: cUs xiE pEi sHan'S PRecIoUs lA. *-*
hOpe u'Ll gEt pRomOtEd lA. BEST LUCKS.
=(( u're affecting me.
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
Friday, September 29, 2006
oKay, updAte tYmm. (:
tHE nYtE bEfore cHem pRactiCaL, i tOtally bRokE dWn. i cRiED terribLE. lOLs. i tOtalLy dUn kNow wHAts hApPeniNg. aHha.
bUt tHAnks mYdIn, rObErt aNd sErEnE fOR bEiNg tHere yAhH. tHEy liKE aCcoMpaNiEd tiLl i fEll asLeeP. tHAnKs aHh pPL.
i tOtaLly tHink tHAt iTs liKE wrOng tO sAy tHAt pPl iN a uR sO-cALled bLoOdy JEAN gAngS cAnt tRuSt eAcH oTher. yOu sEe mAybE u dUn fEel tHAt bLooDy JEAN gAnG pPl cUld nOt BE tRuSted bEcUs u wEren't a tRue fRieNd uRsELf.
lEt mE tEll tHE wHoLe wOrLD tHAt oUr JEAN gAng fRiendsHip'S gNg oN wELl, aNd wE dUn oUtsIdErs tO cOmment oN oUr fRieNdsHip yAhh.(+
wE lEad oUr lIFe tHE wAy wE liKE, bUt sUm pPl jUst cAnt hElP iT bUt tOtALly nEed tO lEad tHeir lIvE bY iNtErfEriNg iN tO pPl lIfes. uR lOud cOmmEnts wEre fOr mE tO hEar sO why cAnt i lEt u hEar tHE mEaNeSt cOmmEnt aBt u. iTs jUst too bAd cUs iF u cOmMent on mE aNd mY fRieNd, i tOtally wiLl rEtaliAtEd.
ohH yAhh, u cALl pPL cHeenA sMaLl eYe bOy sO dOsEnt tHAt sOuNd rAcIst aS wElL? OHh MAn. sUm pPl aRe liKE tOtAlLy sLaPinG tHEmsElvEs iN tHe fAce tOo. tHats supEr'Ly rEtarDed. *-*
oKay. =)) hEy pPL! I pAss mY a mAths. mUhaHha. (: a B-3. loLs, tAts tOtaLly aN aCcoMpLisHmEnt aHh. tHats lIKe a sPiriT bOosTer mAn!!.
bEst lUck For EOY.
sTuDy hard yAhh. sHAn ((:
tHE nYtE bEfore cHem pRactiCaL, i tOtally bRokE dWn. i cRiED terribLE. lOLs. i tOtalLy dUn kNow wHAts hApPeniNg. aHha.
bUt tHAnks mYdIn, rObErt aNd sErEnE fOR bEiNg tHere yAhH. tHEy liKE aCcoMpaNiEd tiLl i fEll asLeeP. tHAnKs aHh pPL.
i tOtaLly tHink tHAt iTs liKE wrOng tO sAy tHAt pPl iN a uR sO-cALled bLoOdy JEAN gAngS cAnt tRuSt eAcH oTher. yOu sEe mAybE u dUn fEel tHAt bLooDy JEAN gAnG pPl cUld nOt BE tRuSted bEcUs u wEren't a tRue fRieNd uRsELf.
lEt mE tEll tHE wHoLe wOrLD tHAt oUr JEAN gAng fRiendsHip'S gNg oN wELl, aNd wE dUn oUtsIdErs tO cOmment oN oUr fRieNdsHip yAhh.(+
wE lEad oUr lIFe tHE wAy wE liKE, bUt sUm pPl jUst cAnt hElP iT bUt tOtALly nEed tO lEad tHeir lIvE bY iNtErfEriNg iN tO pPl lIfes. uR lOud cOmmEnts wEre fOr mE tO hEar sO why cAnt i lEt u hEar tHE mEaNeSt cOmmEnt aBt u. iTs jUst too bAd cUs iF u cOmMent on mE aNd mY fRieNd, i tOtally wiLl rEtaliAtEd.
ohH yAhh, u cALl pPL cHeenA sMaLl eYe bOy sO dOsEnt tHAt sOuNd rAcIst aS wElL? OHh MAn. sUm pPl aRe liKE tOtAlLy sLaPinG tHEmsElvEs iN tHe fAce tOo. tHats supEr'Ly rEtarDed. *-*
oKay. =)) hEy pPL! I pAss mY a mAths. mUhaHha. (: a B-3. loLs, tAts tOtaLly aN aCcoMpLisHmEnt aHh. tHats lIKe a sPiriT bOosTer mAn!!.
bEst lUck For EOY.
sTuDy hard yAhh. sHAn ((:
Friday, September 22, 2006
oKay, tHis iS sTrEssiNg mE. tHE fArkiNg EOY. BOOOOOCRAAAPPP. :((( iTS liKE aDdinG oN tO mY sTreSs lEvEL.
oHh, i hAve sOme fReaKinG rUdE iNdiAn iN mY hAte liSt. lOLs. =)
wHat tHE fUck cAn. aSshoLE lA, sUmtimEs yoU sHLd lEarn tO totalLy sHut uR iNdian bLaCk mOuth. LOSER. okAy. aHha.
i diDnt gO fOR thE sEc3 cAmp. lOLs, iNsTead wE went oVer tO sEreNe'S hSe. aHaa. mE mYdiN aNd roBert, fOr a sTrEss-ReLievE sEsSioN. lOLs. =) wE tOtaLly hAd grEat fUn mAn. wE cOoked oUr lUnCh. tHE rOjAk sPegEtTie. hAhha. aNd wE foUnd oUr lOng lOst cHilDhOod mEmoRieS. lOLs, wE plAyed bLocK cAtChiNg, iCe aNd wAter aND sTuFf. lOLs. iTs wAs liKE aHha-Ly lAme. i kNow. =) wE aLSo tRiEd oNto sErEnE's cHiLdtYm cLotHes. lOLs. (: aMaziNgLy, mYdiN jOiNed iN. :))
oUr rOjAkLy mEaL. aHha, wE'rE bIG bABbiES.oHh yAh. dUriNg a-mAths rEmediAl, wE cOmpOsed sUm M18-liTtLe-cHiLdhOod soNgs.(:
tHEre gOes.
(in this old man tune)
thEres tWo oTher, bUt lAzy tO tYpe lA. lOLS.
eVerybOdY, bESt lUck fOr EOY!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
i'M bAcK, =]]] i diD rElLy hAd a gReat tYMm mAn!. lOLSSSS. oKAy, i'Ll uPdAtE mOrE tMrr oR sUmtHiNgg. loLs.. tAkEcAre ppL. =) <33 i'M sUpEr hAPPPPPPYyyyyy!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
i'M tALkiNg tO tHE NEHPOKcRew pEepS nOw. wHAhHa. =DD
oHh, i wEnt tO PaSir riS pArk. i rOdE biCyClE. i kNoCk dOwn a fAt iNdIAn. (ehh, it wAs aN aCciDenT lA.)
lOLS.. i hAd lOTsA fUnn, i aTe lOt oF sTuFf lA. tHAts bAd mAn!.
tHAts aLl.
i'Ll bE gNg tO K.L tMrr. sO wiLl updAte aGaiNn yAhH. =)
tAkEcAre pEepZ. mIss mE aHh. =))
i'M tALkiNg tO tHE NEHPOKcRew pEepS nOw. wHAhHa. =DD
oHh, i wEnt tO PaSir riS pArk. i rOdE biCyClE. i kNoCk dOwn a fAt iNdIAn. (ehh, it wAs aN aCciDenT lA.)
lOLS.. i hAd lOTsA fUnn, i aTe lOt oF sTuFf lA. tHAts bAd mAn!.
tHAts aLl.
i'Ll bE gNg tO K.L tMrr. sO wiLl updAte aGaiNn yAhH. =)
tAkEcAre pEepZ. mIss mE aHh. =))
Thursday, August 31, 2006
tHis moRniNg.. mE, mYdiN, rOberT and sErEnE diDn't gO sCh. lOLS.
sRry aHh cAsSey. =]] bUt wE'Ll mAke iT sUm dAy.
i wEnt tO gSp tO meet thE 6/9 pEepS. tHey cOuLdNt rEcOniSed mE. tiLl i liKe toOk oUt mY eZ-liNk. lOLS. tHAts liKE bAdd. eVEryoNE cHangEd a litTle. sUm gRew tAlLer, sUm vOiCe bReak LE. aHh, lIKe tHere wErE cHangEs iN eVerYoNe. =DD
aFter wEnt tO sEe coLd-nUn. i wEnt tO cAnTeen. wHoA, aTe liKE 10 fIshbAlLs, nUgGets aNd hOt dOg pLus mEe. =]
tHEn aFter thAt wEnt tO Tm wiTh tHem. wAlk wAlk aRd. yUpP. tAlk a liTtlE, liKE cAtcH uP wiTh eAt oTher and sTuFf. hAhH. =D iT wAs fUnn. lIKe tm sErioUslY fLiEs mAn.
aFter tHat, mEt rObErt, mYdIn aNd sErEnE. wEnt tO lOng jOhN fOr diNner. oHh tHAt aSs sErEnE took aGes tO rEAcH lA. whAt tHe pI. oKay tHEn wEnt tO tOy-R-uS aGain. mUhAHhHA. wE pLayed sKate rAce aND lIke hOola hOop. lOLs. hAd fUnN. rEalLy. tOoK nEoPrInT. tHis tYm mY fAce wAsnt dIsfirUgurEd. =DDD
tHen wEnt tO e-zOne tO plAy that hOokY thiNgy. sErEne's gRoUp wOn tWicE. bOOhOO. lOLS. bUt tHE wHoLe oUtiNg wAs sErioUs fUnN mAn. =))
hEre aRe tHE pIcTurEss.
iN tHe neOpRinT sHoPp....
i sAw that it wAs bEyoNd hOpe,
i kNow tHAt i gOt tO lEt iT gO aNd mOve oN, sUmhOw..
i kNew i hAd tO learn hOw tO lEt iT gO.
sHe wAsnt rEal aNymOre.
eVer siNce sHe fouNd her nEw impt friEnd.
iF u pRefEr hEr,
aNd dEcidE hiDe liTtLe tHiNgs fRm mE,
tHroWinG atTitUdes aT mE, tReated me liKE shyTee
aNd mAde mE fELt liKE a bAck uP.
i gAve uP,i lEt it gO.
i'M tiRed oF tElLing yoU tHe sAme oLd tHiNg.
sIck oF pRetEndiNg tHAt i diDnt knOw yOu wEre lyiNg.
u wiN, i gAve uP aNd i'Ll lEt yOu gO.
i wUn sAy a tHinG, i'Ll kEep sLient.
i'Ll pRetEnd iTs aLriGht,
i'Ll jUst lEt yOu gO.
nOoNe sAiD iT was eAsy,
miLlioNs tHanks tO rObErt aND serEnE fOe cHeeriNg mE uP. i'Ll sTay sTronG pPl. =))
sRry aHh cAsSey. =]] bUt wE'Ll mAke iT sUm dAy.
i wEnt tO gSp tO meet thE 6/9 pEepS. tHey cOuLdNt rEcOniSed mE. tiLl i liKe toOk oUt mY eZ-liNk. lOLS. tHAts liKE bAdd. eVEryoNE cHangEd a litTle. sUm gRew tAlLer, sUm vOiCe bReak LE. aHh, lIKe tHere wErE cHangEs iN eVerYoNe. =DD
aFter wEnt tO sEe coLd-nUn. i wEnt tO cAnTeen. wHoA, aTe liKE 10 fIshbAlLs, nUgGets aNd hOt dOg pLus mEe. =]
tHEn aFter thAt wEnt tO Tm wiTh tHem. wAlk wAlk aRd. yUpP. tAlk a liTtlE, liKE cAtcH uP wiTh eAt oTher and sTuFf. hAhH. =D iT wAs fUnn. lIKe tm sErioUslY fLiEs mAn.
aFter tHat, mEt rObErt, mYdIn aNd sErEnE. wEnt tO lOng jOhN fOr diNner. oHh tHAt aSs sErEnE took aGes tO rEAcH lA. whAt tHe pI. oKay tHEn wEnt tO tOy-R-uS aGain. mUhAHhHA. wE pLayed sKate rAce aND lIke hOola hOop. lOLs. hAd fUnN. rEalLy. tOoK nEoPrInT. tHis tYm mY fAce wAsnt dIsfirUgurEd. =DDD
tHen wEnt tO e-zOne tO plAy that hOokY thiNgy. sErEne's gRoUp wOn tWicE. bOOhOO. lOLS. bUt tHE wHoLe oUtiNg wAs sErioUs fUnN mAn. =))
hEre aRe tHE pIcTurEss.
iN tHe neOpRinT sHoPp....
robert's hyper and i'm hypo. =] serene and mydin are isotonic
renee is being covered up by creature. ^^
OMG~~ rennee, thats like wrong. muhahaha
everybody had FUNN :D
=) i LUrVe tHEm.
rOARRr~ we wEre tryiNg to act liKe the gReen tHinG.=))
tHe pPL tHat mAke mY sMiLe. =)))))))
i sAw that it wAs bEyoNd hOpe,
i kNow tHAt i gOt tO lEt iT gO aNd mOve oN, sUmhOw..
i kNew i hAd tO learn hOw tO lEt iT gO.
sHe wAsnt rEal aNymOre.
eVer siNce sHe fouNd her nEw impt friEnd.
iF u pRefEr hEr,
aNd dEcidE hiDe liTtLe tHiNgs fRm mE,
tHroWinG atTitUdes aT mE, tReated me liKE shyTee
aNd mAde mE fELt liKE a bAck uP.
i gAve uP,i lEt it gO.
i'M tiRed oF tElLing yoU tHe sAme oLd tHiNg.
sIck oF pRetEndiNg tHAt i diDnt knOw yOu wEre lyiNg.
u wiN, i gAve uP aNd i'Ll lEt yOu gO.
i wUn sAy a tHinG, i'Ll kEep sLient.
i'Ll pRetEnd iTs aLriGht,
i'Ll jUst lEt yOu gO.
nOoNe sAiD iT was eAsy,
miLlioNs tHanks tO rObErt aND serEnE fOe cHeeriNg mE uP. i'Ll sTay sTronG pPl. =))
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
okay, i know i should totally update abt my lyfee. and not anly the saddistic part. yupyups. sryy ppl. was really down yesterday.
okay, i went to good wood park after sch to meet cousinss and grandmaa. =}
had high tea. i like ate damn a lot can?. lols. looks like the diet plann is a bit ruined.
ok, last fri. went outing with robert,serene,mydin and anthony. went to pastamania for dinner then went outside to have a talk then like they put me on that swing. BOOOOOO. then went to toys R'us to play. muhahhh. had great funn man. but some assholes go ruin my face in the neoprint. boohoo
here are the pics.
okay, i went to good wood park after sch to meet cousinss and grandmaa. =}
had high tea. i like ate damn a lot can?. lols. looks like the diet plann is a bit ruined.
ok, last fri. went outing with robert,serene,mydin and anthony. went to pastamania for dinner then went outside to have a talk then like they put me on that swing. BOOOOOO. then went to toys R'us to play. muhahhh. had great funn man. but some assholes go ruin my face in the neoprint. boohoo
here are the pics.
Monday, August 28, 2006
you once told me that
i believed in that
now, i see the differences
i dun see me in your eyes
i see only her
i've tried hard
i gave it my best
cus u're always important
deep down inside
it was tough
life without you to make me smile
and its difficult to know that
ur concern was only her
what if i walk away
what if i turn my back on you
what if i say nothing
will u realise that i'm leaving
will you notice a change
will you even care
i've tried harder than before
i want you by my side more than ever
i need you here now
but i can't catch you no more
you left, unknowingly
i see the difference that you don't
i felt the pain that u've nv experienced
i struggled alone
i cried myself to sleep
now, i'm learing how to
face up to negative reality
leaning that it isn't the same
knowing that i ain't important animore
the words that you say
pirced right deep in
i can't take it nomore
i can't act like i'm happy animore
u matter so much,somehow.
i believed in that
now, i see the differences
i dun see me in your eyes
i see only her
i've tried hard
i gave it my best
cus u're always important
deep down inside
it was tough
life without you to make me smile
and its difficult to know that
ur concern was only her
what if i walk away
what if i turn my back on you
what if i say nothing
will u realise that i'm leaving
will you notice a change
will you even care
i've tried harder than before
i want you by my side more than ever
i need you here now
but i can't catch you no more
you left, unknowingly
i see the difference that you don't
i felt the pain that u've nv experienced
i struggled alone
i cried myself to sleep
now, i'm learing how to
face up to negative reality
leaning that it isn't the same
knowing that i ain't important animore
the words that you say
pirced right deep in
i can't take it nomore
i can't act like i'm happy animore
u matter so much,somehow.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i hAd rEal gReat fUnn oVer the hOlidAys. =)). mY B`B`B cAme oVer tO sTayEd oVeR aT my pLAcE fOr 2 days.
tHe fIrst dAy, aS iN aFter nAtIonAl cOncErrT, wE wEnt rEtro-dOg dEn i gO hEr hSe. thEn sHE cAme tO sTay oVEr fOr 2 dAys. wE wAtcHh lAtE niGht mOvViE liKE thE HEIRLOOM. aNd mY B`B`B was sUcH a cOwArd. cUs shE wAs sCard oF thE dUmBeSt tHiNgg. =]
tHen wE hAd hEarT tO hEart cHatt. =) wHoOO. i fOunD lOts oF sTuFf. hAahhhA. tHEn tHe sEcoNd dAy wE diD sOciAl sTudiEs pRojEct. aNd wE hAd miNi fAshioN parade whIch was likE aHHhhAHha. FUNNY!! okAy. tHEn wE diD cHinEse. and liKE tAlK tAlk tAlk tiLl liKE sUper lAte iN tHE niGht. lOLs. wE cOoked diNner, iTs the mAcOrOni rOjAk. lOLs. oKAy, that wAs dUmB. bUt yA lA, had gReat fUnN mAn. =)) okAyy. i'M tOtally sTartiNg tO miss iT.
wEnt tO meet cLass pPl fOr a wHilE tOdAy. yUp, thEn wEnt lUncH tHEm. =)) tHen mEet mUmmy tHen wEnt tO oRcHard. loLs, bOuGht a bAg. *-*
hOls was sUpEr fUn. i toTally dun wAnt sCh tO reoPen.
i'Ve dEciDed tHAt fRm nOw oN i wUn cAre aBoUt PpL tHAt dUn giVe a damn aBt mE. i'M tOtaLly siCk aBt iT. iT hUrts. yEs, iT aBviousLy diD. bUt iT wUn aNymOre. yOu sUmhOw mAdE mE nUmB. i gUess iTs juSt tHe eNd. wE aRe juSt pUzZeL thAt dUn fiX.
tHAts iT. tAttTA~
i hAd rEal gReat fUnn oVer the hOlidAys. =)). mY B`B`B cAme oVer tO sTayEd oVeR aT my pLAcE fOr 2 days.
tHe fIrst dAy, aS iN aFter nAtIonAl cOncErrT, wE wEnt rEtro-dOg dEn i gO hEr hSe. thEn sHE cAme tO sTay oVEr fOr 2 dAys. wE wAtcHh lAtE niGht mOvViE liKE thE HEIRLOOM. aNd mY B`B`B was sUcH a cOwArd. cUs shE wAs sCard oF thE dUmBeSt tHiNgg. =]
tHen wE hAd hEarT tO hEart cHatt. =) wHoOO. i fOunD lOts oF sTuFf. hAahhhA. tHEn tHe sEcoNd dAy wE diD sOciAl sTudiEs pRojEct. aNd wE hAd miNi fAshioN parade whIch was likE aHHhhAHha. FUNNY!! okAy. tHEn wE diD cHinEse. and liKE tAlK tAlk tAlk tiLl liKE sUper lAte iN tHE niGht. lOLs. wE cOoked diNner, iTs the mAcOrOni rOjAk. lOLs. oKAy, that wAs dUmB. bUt yA lA, had gReat fUnN mAn. =)) okAyy. i'M tOtally sTartiNg tO miss iT.
wEnt tO meet cLass pPl fOr a wHilE tOdAy. yUp, thEn wEnt lUncH tHEm. =)) tHen mEet mUmmy tHen wEnt tO oRcHard. loLs, bOuGht a bAg. *-*
hOls was sUpEr fUn. i toTally dun wAnt sCh tO reoPen.
i'Ve dEciDed tHAt fRm nOw oN i wUn cAre aBoUt PpL tHAt dUn giVe a damn aBt mE. i'M tOtaLly siCk aBt iT. iT hUrts. yEs, iT aBviousLy diD. bUt iT wUn aNymOre. yOu sUmhOw mAdE mE nUmB. i gUess iTs juSt tHe eNd. wE aRe juSt pUzZeL thAt dUn fiX.
tHAts iT. tAttTA~
Thursday, August 03, 2006
wOooHHooO, oKay, i meet jac tOdAy. aND i wAs lAte *-* bUt it wAs thE bUs dRievEr'S fAuLt. hE dRovE thE bUs sO sLowLy liKe hE'S lOokiNg oUt fOr evEry aNt tAtS crAwwLiNg. okAy thAt wAs dUMb. hAd lOts oF tEst tOdAy. oHH, liKE 2 i mEaN. yUpP, i wAn supPosEd tO wAkE uP aT 4.30 tHis morniNg, bUt hEe. thE pLaN fAiLed bEcuS i wAs tAlkiNg wiTh eRiCa oN the pHoNe fOr 3 hRs. loLS.sLepT aT liKE aRd 1.00 aM. =)) iTs liKE i uSed to thInk eRicA wAs a hYpOcriTe, bUt aCutalLy sHE'S nicE pErSoN. (eRicA dUn fLy yAhH ;)) )
aFter sCh mEt uP wiTh shAnN, wEnt tO rEtRo-dOg aND sHe mAke mE giVe hEr hAlF oF mY bUnN. *BULLY* okAy. tHEn hAd cHoColAte iCe bLenDed. lOLS, wEnt tO lOyAnG tO cUt hEr hAir. loLS, sHe wAs lAmEEr tHan bEfoRe. tSkKK. hEe, oN tHE wAy bAck. liKE wE tOok bUs bAck, liKe thE bus wAs fiLled wiTH sLeEpinG pPL. tHEn wE dEciDed tO tAke tO bAck siT. loLS. thEn a gUy wAs liKE ya cAn siT cAn siT. wE tOtaLly dUn knOW hIm.
mE "eHh, wE hEre xiA arS?"
sHAn "jUrsE lA."
tHE uNknOwn gUy "ya hEre xIa"
tHEn hE sCreAmeD "joIn I-T-U"
mE anD sHAn cAnt fiGuRe oUt whAts tHaT sO wE nAmEd iT iRaK-tIghEr-U-tUrN. lOLS, bUt iT wAs aCutAlLy iNfOrmAtiOn tEchNoLoGy uNi. i gUeSs.
bUt i hAd gReat fUn tOday. yUupPs. tHAnKs sHAn fOr tHE cHiNeSe hOT-dOg =))
aFter sCh mEt uP wiTh shAnN, wEnt tO rEtRo-dOg aND sHe mAke mE giVe hEr hAlF oF mY bUnN. *BULLY* okAy. tHEn hAd cHoColAte iCe bLenDed. lOLS, wEnt tO lOyAnG tO cUt hEr hAir. loLS, sHe wAs lAmEEr tHan bEfoRe. tSkKK. hEe, oN tHE wAy bAck. liKE wE tOok bUs bAck, liKe thE bus wAs fiLled wiTH sLeEpinG pPL. tHEn wE dEciDed tO tAke tO bAck siT. loLS. thEn a gUy wAs liKE ya cAn siT cAn siT. wE tOtaLly dUn knOW hIm.
mE "eHh, wE hEre xiA arS?"
sHAn "jUrsE lA."
tHE uNknOwn gUy "ya hEre xIa"
tHEn hE sCreAmeD "joIn I-T-U"
mE anD sHAn cAnt fiGuRe oUt whAts tHaT sO wE nAmEd iT iRaK-tIghEr-U-tUrN. lOLS, bUt iT wAs aCutAlLy iNfOrmAtiOn tEchNoLoGy uNi. i gUeSs.
bUt i hAd gReat fUn tOday. yUupPs. tHAnKs sHAn fOr tHE cHiNeSe hOT-dOg =))
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
mOndAy, iT wAs pHoto tAkIng day. wE plAyed thE cOokiE gAme, tHAt was fUnN mAn! (:
i wEnt tO schOoL wiTh sHaN. yUpP. sOme thIngs are mEanT to bE mEmoriEs.
tUesDAy, i met jAckLyn. wEnt tO sChoOL. eRica wAs tHE idOt slaCkEr. sHe diDnt cAme. lOLS..wE pLayEd tRuth oF dArE, mYdiN gAme oUt wiTh thE dAre oR dare gAme. lOLs. thAt wAs fUnny mAn!. oHh, mIss chAn diDnt cAme, so thEre wAsNt aNyoNe tO bUg mE tO tUcK iN in thE mOrniNg aNd rEcEss asseMbLy. hEEeE. :))
pEi shAn cRiEd, i sAw hEr gNg tO hEr fRieNDs iN tEarS, pRoBablY.. i diDnt undErsTAnd hEr nOW. bUt whAt cAn i dO when thInGs liKE thAt hApPen? i'M aLSo sicCk aNd tiReD oF hEariNg stUFf, bUt thE sTuFf thAt i hEAr iS the sTuFf thAt i sEe. wElL, i'M srry fOr bEiNg sO iNsEsiBLe. bUt nOoNE cAn dEnY thAt wE aInT thE sAme aNymOre. wE'Re dRifTed aPaRt. u hAve uR fRiEnds, i hAve mY tOo. i'M tRyiNg to aCcePt thE fAct thAt u cAnt bE sO tHere fOr mE aNymRee, aNd mAyBe sumtYms u jUst fEeLs mRe cOmfOrtAbLe wItH uR pPL. i'm iN nO pOsitioN tO sAy aNytHinG. sO oHh wElL, gUesS tHAts tHe wAy iTs gNg tO bE nOw. i'Ll alWayS sMiLe tHroUgH hArD tYmS.
todAy. i wEnt tO sch wiTh sHan. yUpP. oHh, duRiNg sOciAl sTudiES i wAs hAviNg hI-cUps tHE wHoLe pErioD. tHAt wAs duMb. aNd i wAs tRyiNg tO dO iT siLentLy, bUtT.. sUdDenLy misS liM wEnT. "i'M nOt scOLdinD aNyoNe nOw, i'Ll tRy tO bE niCer." mY hI-cUps liKE sUdDenLy liKe gT lOuD then sHe sAy. " oHh, sHirUi cOuLdnT bEliEve thAt miSs lIm wOuLd liVe hEr dAys wiThoUt scoLdinG." loLS. tHAt wAs eMbArRaSiNg mAn.
diD lOts oF lAme stuFf tOdAy. aftEr sCh wEnt tO rEtRo-dOg wiTh eRiCa. hAhH. wE wErE liKE cAnt dEciDe tO eAt hOt dOgs bUn oR driNk bUbBle tEa. (:
rOberTs hAir wAS tOo lOng, gUesS whAt. hE alloWed uS tO cUt his hAir. sO thEre wAs a hAiR cUt sEssiOn. lOLs. tHAt wAs tHe lAmesT tHiNg evEr. wE cut hIs hAir. i tHiNk it lOoks aLriGhT lA. ^-^
hAvIng tEsTSSSSSs tMrR. thAts liKe supEr sAddeniNg. i'M liKe lOoking fOrwArD tO iPp. ;) we'VE gT lOTs oF pLan mAN. hEe. i'Ll bE gNg to the gYm/sWiMmiNg on fRi. lOLS. tHEn wE'Ll sTuDy cHem. [=
aNd tHAts whA i'M doIng. i"m sRry i knOw iT rEalLy hURt U.bUt i jUst cAnt gO oNn.wHeThEr u'Re sAd oR hApPy, tHE wOrLd keepS rEvovLinG sO tRy tO liVe eVeRyday hApPiLy. dUn lEt mE affeCt uR liFe aNymorE. sRrY, i kNow tHis wUn dO mUcH. bUt i rEalLy hOpe to sEe u bAcK oN uR feEt aGaiN. gOod lUcK, tAke cAre. mIng hAn.
i wEnt tO schOoL wiTh sHaN. yUpP. sOme thIngs are mEanT to bE mEmoriEs.
tUesDAy, i met jAckLyn. wEnt tO sChoOL. eRica wAs tHE idOt slaCkEr. sHe diDnt cAme. lOLS..wE pLayEd tRuth oF dArE, mYdiN gAme oUt wiTh thE dAre oR dare gAme. lOLs. thAt wAs fUnny mAn!. oHh, mIss chAn diDnt cAme, so thEre wAsNt aNyoNe tO bUg mE tO tUcK iN in thE mOrniNg aNd rEcEss asseMbLy. hEEeE. :))
pEi shAn cRiEd, i sAw hEr gNg tO hEr fRieNDs iN tEarS, pRoBablY.. i diDnt undErsTAnd hEr nOW. bUt whAt cAn i dO when thInGs liKE thAt hApPen? i'M aLSo sicCk aNd tiReD oF hEariNg stUFf, bUt thE sTuFf thAt i hEAr iS the sTuFf thAt i sEe. wElL, i'M srry fOr bEiNg sO iNsEsiBLe. bUt nOoNE cAn dEnY thAt wE aInT thE sAme aNymOre. wE'Re dRifTed aPaRt. u hAve uR fRiEnds, i hAve mY tOo. i'M tRyiNg to aCcePt thE fAct thAt u cAnt bE sO tHere fOr mE aNymRee, aNd mAyBe sumtYms u jUst fEeLs mRe cOmfOrtAbLe wItH uR pPL. i'm iN nO pOsitioN tO sAy aNytHinG. sO oHh wElL, gUesS tHAts tHe wAy iTs gNg tO bE nOw. i'Ll alWayS sMiLe tHroUgH hArD tYmS.
todAy. i wEnt tO sch wiTh sHan. yUpP. oHh, duRiNg sOciAl sTudiES i wAs hAviNg hI-cUps tHE wHoLe pErioD. tHAt wAs duMb. aNd i wAs tRyiNg tO dO iT siLentLy, bUtT.. sUdDenLy misS liM wEnT. "i'M nOt scOLdinD aNyoNe nOw, i'Ll tRy tO bE niCer." mY hI-cUps liKE sUdDenLy liKe gT lOuD then sHe sAy. " oHh, sHirUi cOuLdnT bEliEve thAt miSs lIm wOuLd liVe hEr dAys wiThoUt scoLdinG." loLS. tHAt wAs eMbArRaSiNg mAn.
diD lOts oF lAme stuFf tOdAy. aftEr sCh wEnt tO rEtRo-dOg wiTh eRiCa. hAhH. wE wErE liKE cAnt dEciDe tO eAt hOt dOgs bUn oR driNk bUbBle tEa. (:
rOberTs hAir wAS tOo lOng, gUesS whAt. hE alloWed uS tO cUt his hAir. sO thEre wAs a hAiR cUt sEssiOn. lOLs. tHAt wAs tHe lAmesT tHiNg evEr. wE cut hIs hAir. i tHiNk it lOoks aLriGhT lA. ^-^
hAvIng tEsTSSSSSs tMrR. thAts liKe supEr sAddeniNg. i'M liKe lOoking fOrwArD tO iPp. ;) we'VE gT lOTs oF pLan mAN. hEe. i'Ll bE gNg to the gYm/sWiMmiNg on fRi. lOLS. tHEn wE'Ll sTuDy cHem. [=
aNd tHAts whA i'M doIng. i"m sRry i knOw iT rEalLy hURt U.bUt i jUst cAnt gO oNn.wHeThEr u'Re sAd oR hApPy, tHE wOrLd keepS rEvovLinG sO tRy tO liVe eVeRyday hApPiLy. dUn lEt mE affeCt uR liFe aNymorE. sRrY, i kNow tHis wUn dO mUcH. bUt i rEalLy hOpe to sEe u bAcK oN uR feEt aGaiN. gOod lUcK, tAke cAre. mIng hAn.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
i'm nT hApPy wiTh sCh liFe. totAlLy nOt. jUst liKE bUrsT tOdAy, wAs reALlY iRritAtEd wiTh sTuFf aRrd. yUup, i gUeSs tHis iS aLL thAnks tO tHe CHAN.
mH, thAnks fOr bEiNg tHerE, aLwAys.
mH, thAnks fOr bEiNg tHerE, aLwAys.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
i'M hOLdiNg a eXpLosIve bAlL ^-^
oHh, thAts tHe TOILET.
aNd tHere, sHE wAs tRyiNg tO hiDe aWay frm tHe cAmM
dEniSe wAs tRyiN to tHrOw sMArtIeeS iNtO sErEnes mOuTh. *cHiLdiSh aHh*
gOsh, i'Ve nO iDea wHats tHiS.
a cAntEen wiThoUt pPL
oH tHAts thE wAlL.
cAntEen sHoTs fOr sKit
hEe, wEnt tO sch aFetr sCh tOdAy. uNtiL thE lAst miNuTe thEn we knOw whAt wE wAs sUpPose tO do.. bUt loT of lAmE-iNg wAs done
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
oKay, i'M blogGinG. hEE ^-^
rEcEnTLy mIss cHan cUm oUt wiTh tHis dUmB sHoRt sKirT tHiNgy. liKE whAt tHE hElL lA. sHe sAys i'D bE sEnT out iF i dUn lEnGhTen mY sKirT. aSShoLe. lIKE sO mAny pPls sKirt aRe shoRteR. okAy, wHAtevEr.
i diDnt wEnt tO sCh oN mOn, liKE sO totally nOt in tHE sTudYiNg moOd nOW, wEnt tOdAy. tHere wErE likE cHina pPl viStiNg uS, oHh mAn. thEy lOoked liKE tHe sAme, sAme haIr, sPecS, uNi. hEe, bUt todAy'S lEsSon wAs liKE crapPy. oH, tHE oNLy uSefUL pArt wAs tHE sKit rEhErsAL. rEalLy hOpE iT'LL be sucEssfUL la.
i'M nOt gNg tO sCh tMrR. hAhH, tHE tHoUght oF it mAKe me hApPy. lOLS. i'LL gO sCh aFtEr sCh, dOin sKiT. oKAy, tHis sOuNds weriD.
hAd MOE excel dAy, wiLl uPloAd lIKe sUm piCtUres. oHh, bEfoRe thAt wE wEnT sWiMming. mE, sErEn aNd eRicA. it wAs liKe sO mUch fUn. :DDD buT tHe gUard wAs iRritAtiNg. yUpp, hE diDnt lEt uS cLiMb uP THE sLidE. i wAs tRyinG hArd tO cLimB uP tHEn i fLiP aND sLiDe dWnN. tHE fLiP wAs thEn kNoWn aS tHE bUrgEr fLip, aLl thAt gUards fAuLt. tSk tSk. loLS, all tHE fUnNy mOmenTs were at tHE sLiDe.
tHEn tHEn tHEnn, wE wEre lAte fOr excEl dAy. hEE. oHh, aNd mR kAw diDnt cOvEr tHE pAint aNd iT enDed uP sPilliNg. sO wE wErE liKE supPosE tO cLeAn tHE mEsS, i lEfT a hAnD pRiNt oN the toILeT wALL. oHh, bUt i wAs cAuGht. wE aRe aSsigNed tO cLeaN tHE toiLet. oHh, wE diD a sUper gREat jOb yAh, tHe toiLet wAs cLeanEr tHEn bEfoRe. lOLSs.
tHEn mUmmy cAme tO pIcK mE uP cUs, wE gT tO pinT our fAce thE wAy wE diD in pErtH. buT mY haiR wAs aLL sTaiNed aS wElL. ^-^
i sLacked aND i sLacKed aNd i sLacK. i sTayed at hMe. eAt lOts oF sTuFf tHEn wAtcH tV thEn tooK a lOng nAp.
wEnt fOr kOtekItAi, aND liKE hAlF oF tHe pPl wErE sHoCkeD tO sEe me. aHHa, sRry pPL. i kNow i M.I.A fOr a lOnG tYm. hEe, tHen aFter tHAt mEEt pEisHAn. oHh, u nEh nEh liKe wAit a wHile wiLL diE lA. wEnT tO bUy hEr pAnTs, aNd i wAs supposed tO mEmoRise cArmen i/c tO gEt tHe dIscOuNt. tHAt wAs rEtArDeD. lOLS. aTe laKsA aT cEntury sQuaRe, her wAy oF eAtiNg wAs liKe a sTraNd bY a sTrANd. tHAts wAs serioUsLy lAme. met mH, wEnt walK wAlk tHEn wE wEnt tO wAtch the RECYCLE. loLS. tOok nEoPrinT bUt tUrN oUt a liTtLe sIcK. *.* oH, we bOught pOp cOrns bUt wE oNly aTe 1/4 iN tHE mOvIes. hAhH.
aHH.. lAzY tO bLog lE.. tAke cARe :DDD
rEcEnTLy mIss cHan cUm oUt wiTh tHis dUmB sHoRt sKirT tHiNgy. liKE whAt tHE hElL lA. sHe sAys i'D bE sEnT out iF i dUn lEnGhTen mY sKirT. aSShoLe. lIKE sO mAny pPls sKirt aRe shoRteR. okAy, wHAtevEr.
i diDnt wEnt tO sCh oN mOn, liKE sO totally nOt in tHE sTudYiNg moOd nOW, wEnt tOdAy. tHere wErE likE cHina pPl viStiNg uS, oHh mAn. thEy lOoked liKE tHe sAme, sAme haIr, sPecS, uNi. hEe, bUt todAy'S lEsSon wAs liKE crapPy. oH, tHE oNLy uSefUL pArt wAs tHE sKit rEhErsAL. rEalLy hOpE iT'LL be sucEssfUL la.
i'M nOt gNg tO sCh tMrR. hAhH, tHE tHoUght oF it mAKe me hApPy. lOLS. i'LL gO sCh aFtEr sCh, dOin sKiT. oKAy, tHis sOuNds weriD.
hAd MOE excel dAy, wiLl uPloAd lIKe sUm piCtUres. oHh, bEfoRe thAt wE wEnT sWiMming. mE, sErEn aNd eRicA. it wAs liKe sO mUch fUn. :DDD buT tHe gUard wAs iRritAtiNg. yUpp, hE diDnt lEt uS cLiMb uP THE sLidE. i wAs tRyinG hArd tO cLimB uP tHEn i fLiP aND sLiDe dWnN. tHE fLiP wAs thEn kNoWn aS tHE bUrgEr fLip, aLl thAt gUards fAuLt. tSk tSk. loLS, all tHE fUnNy mOmenTs were at tHE sLiDe.
tHEn tHEn tHEnn, wE wEre lAte fOr excEl dAy. hEE. oHh, aNd mR kAw diDnt cOvEr tHE pAint aNd iT enDed uP sPilliNg. sO wE wErE liKE supPosE tO cLeAn tHE mEsS, i lEfT a hAnD pRiNt oN the toILeT wALL. oHh, bUt i wAs cAuGht. wE aRe aSsigNed tO cLeaN tHE toiLet. oHh, wE diD a sUper gREat jOb yAh, tHe toiLet wAs cLeanEr tHEn bEfoRe. lOLSs.
tHEn mUmmy cAme tO pIcK mE uP cUs, wE gT tO pinT our fAce thE wAy wE diD in pErtH. buT mY haiR wAs aLL sTaiNed aS wElL. ^-^
i sLacked aND i sLacKed aNd i sLacK. i sTayed at hMe. eAt lOts oF sTuFf tHEn wAtcH tV thEn tooK a lOng nAp.
wEnt fOr kOtekItAi, aND liKE hAlF oF tHe pPl wErE sHoCkeD tO sEe me. aHHa, sRry pPL. i kNow i M.I.A fOr a lOnG tYm. hEe, tHen aFter tHAt mEEt pEisHAn. oHh, u nEh nEh liKe wAit a wHile wiLL diE lA. wEnT tO bUy hEr pAnTs, aNd i wAs supposed tO mEmoRise cArmen i/c tO gEt tHe dIscOuNt. tHAt wAs rEtArDeD. lOLS. aTe laKsA aT cEntury sQuaRe, her wAy oF eAtiNg wAs liKe a sTraNd bY a sTrANd. tHAts wAs serioUsLy lAme. met mH, wEnt walK wAlk tHEn wE wEnt tO wAtch the RECYCLE. loLS. tOok nEoPrinT bUt tUrN oUt a liTtLe sIcK. *.* oH, we bOught pOp cOrns bUt wE oNly aTe 1/4 iN tHE mOvIes. hAhH.
aHH.. lAzY tO bLog lE.. tAke cARe :DDD
Saturday, July 01, 2006
had flag day at bedok today. it was really like fun, i guess. but there were like super a lot of diff. reactions.
1. donated without us asking
2. donated when we tell them to
3. donated when we ask, stop and stared at them
4. zero reaction
5. looked at us like we were some aliens
6. say "no coins"
7. say" what sch are u frm?, u are representing ur school. tuck in!" then walked away without any donations. ^^
8. ask what association its for then donate
9. tooked out lots of coins and choose 10 cents
10. donate $10
11. say " i donate for you, then who'll donate for me?" ^^
12. run away
i'm lazy to list out all. =) yup, we went burger king for a break. pei wen, mei xin and von is like super antu about the whole thing. me,erica,serene,rashmi,denise and dennie pent like lots of tym slacking. ^.^ then we discussed about 3e1's skit. because some people just ain't happy about the idea. then like everyone just happen to have a bit of attitude. but i mean like u cum out with the whole thing planned nicely then suddenly sumone just say the idea is like so copy-fied. then u gt to change the whole thing? like hello. everyone agreed with it what. even ms chan. like u could give us ur ideas and like we could compromise or sumthing like that. but like u wanna like eliminate the whole thing just one part. whu the hell would agree with it?. i really cant help it if u think its like 2e3's skit. becus even ppl like nadiah, fadiyana says it isnt the same and there isnt any link at all.
and if ppl out there wants to have thet mindset that we are copying without even knowing anything about our skit, we cant do anything. and like it or not thats our idea. and i cant help it when u like to twist ur words and say things which are fake behind my back. what can i do if sum ppl just wants it their way and just not willing to cooperate. ohh man! this is just so piss-ing. if u dun like what i'm saying now. then press cross on the top right hand corner, becus u aint welcum here.
then after all that, den, erica, serene and rash came over to continue the skit. it was like fun somehow :DD.
1. donated without us asking
2. donated when we tell them to
3. donated when we ask, stop and stared at them
4. zero reaction
5. looked at us like we were some aliens
6. say "no coins"
7. say" what sch are u frm?, u are representing ur school. tuck in!" then walked away without any donations. ^^
8. ask what association its for then donate
9. tooked out lots of coins and choose 10 cents
10. donate $10
11. say " i donate for you, then who'll donate for me?" ^^
12. run away
i'm lazy to list out all. =) yup, we went burger king for a break. pei wen, mei xin and von is like super antu about the whole thing. me,erica,serene,rashmi,denise and dennie pent like lots of tym slacking. ^.^ then we discussed about 3e1's skit. because some people just ain't happy about the idea. then like everyone just happen to have a bit of attitude. but i mean like u cum out with the whole thing planned nicely then suddenly sumone just say the idea is like so copy-fied. then u gt to change the whole thing? like hello. everyone agreed with it what. even ms chan. like u could give us ur ideas and like we could compromise or sumthing like that. but like u wanna like eliminate the whole thing just one part. whu the hell would agree with it?. i really cant help it if u think its like 2e3's skit. becus even ppl like nadiah, fadiyana says it isnt the same and there isnt any link at all.
and if ppl out there wants to have thet mindset that we are copying without even knowing anything about our skit, we cant do anything. and like it or not thats our idea. and i cant help it when u like to twist ur words and say things which are fake behind my back. what can i do if sum ppl just wants it their way and just not willing to cooperate. ohh man! this is just so piss-ing. if u dun like what i'm saying now. then press cross on the top right hand corner, becus u aint welcum here.
then after all that, den, erica, serene and rash came over to continue the skit. it was like fun somehow :DD.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
mAn! i fIanLly rEAlISed tHAt u'Re a biG liArR. whAt aM i tO u? dUn eXpEcT tO mE hAve u bEiNg iMpOrTaNt aNymOrE. cUS i see tHAt u aRe sUch a liAR.
mAn! i fIanLly rEAlISed tHAt u'Re a biG liArR. whAt aM i tO u? dUn eXpEcT tO mE hAve u bEiNg iMpOrTaNt aNymOrE. cUS i see tHAt u aRe sUch a liAR.
eAtTiNg tYm wAs fUn
hAd fUn tOdAy. hEe..
gNg tO uPloAd sUm pIctUrES iN thAilAnd.
the stupid pictures is like slow can.
Monday, June 26, 2006
wElL wElL wElL, tiMe pAsSes. pPL cHAngEs aND wE aRent tHE sAme aNimRe, wE uSed tO bE sO lOvIng. wAs iT mY fAuLt tHAt i"m nT sEnsitiVe eNoUgh oR iTs thAt u wEre oVErlY-sEnsItiVE?
i rEAlLy hAte iT wHen tHE rElAtiOnsHip tUrn liKE tHis. iTs lIKE wE sEem tO bE tHE cLoSeSt sTrAngEr?. i dUn kNOw. i'M aFrAid, i rEalLy wAnt yoU tO sAy iT'Ll BE thE sAme. bUt i knOw u aRe pRetTy uPsEt wiTh whAt hApPened aS wEeLL. sO yUpp. aNiwAy, i'M sOrRy. fOr lOSing mY tEmpEr aNd fOr thAt aSsy aTtitUde.
fIrst dAy of sChoOl wAs liKE nOt nOrMAl. eVerytHinG seEmS tO bE a bIt wrOng?. oH aNd i lEArnEd tHAt whEn u pLuCKeD oUt tHE cHicdKEn fEAthERs. tHe cHicKen iS pInk. i tHouGht iT wAs wHiTe. hEe, tHAnkS CARMEN KWAN aNd XIE PEISHAN fOr sHAriNg uR kNowlEdGE oF cHicKen wiTh ME yAh. ^_^
mY siStEr sAYs sHe wIthdRAwiNg fRm jC?i tHinK thAts sCaRy. sHe cHoOse wRonG sUbjEct cOmbI aND sTuFf. yUpP.. bUt tHAts a gOod tHinG. mAyBE, cUs sHe wUn bE liKe dEpRESS oF tHE wHoLe wEek. hOpe everyThinG tUrNS oUt tO BE bEtter fOr hEr.
mAn! i'Ve gT orAl tMrR. tHAts bAd!. wISh ME lUcK.
tOdAy iS a bAd bAd dAy.
i rEAlLy hAte iT wHen tHE rElAtiOnsHip tUrn liKE tHis. iTs lIKE wE sEem tO bE tHE cLoSeSt sTrAngEr?. i dUn kNOw. i'M aFrAid, i rEalLy wAnt yoU tO sAy iT'Ll BE thE sAme. bUt i knOw u aRe pRetTy uPsEt wiTh whAt hApPened aS wEeLL. sO yUpp. aNiwAy, i'M sOrRy. fOr lOSing mY tEmpEr aNd fOr thAt aSsy aTtitUde.
fIrst dAy of sChoOl wAs liKE nOt nOrMAl. eVerytHinG seEmS tO bE a bIt wrOng?. oH aNd i lEArnEd tHAt whEn u pLuCKeD oUt tHE cHicdKEn fEAthERs. tHe cHicKen iS pInk. i tHouGht iT wAs wHiTe. hEe, tHAnkS CARMEN KWAN aNd XIE PEISHAN fOr sHAriNg uR kNowlEdGE oF cHicKen wiTh ME yAh. ^_^
mY siStEr sAYs sHe wIthdRAwiNg fRm jC?i tHinK thAts sCaRy. sHe cHoOse wRonG sUbjEct cOmbI aND sTuFf. yUpP.. bUt tHAts a gOod tHinG. mAyBE, cUs sHe wUn bE liKe dEpRESS oF tHE wHoLe wEek. hOpe everyThinG tUrNS oUt tO BE bEtter fOr hEr.
mAn! i'Ve gT orAl tMrR. tHAts bAd!. wISh ME lUcK.
tOdAy iS a bAd bAd dAy.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
1. i <3 mH/pErTh pEepS/sHAn
2. i miSs pErtH
3. i bEliEvE tAt a bRigHter fUrTurE iS aLways baSed oN a fOrgoTteN pASt
4. cRazy
5. i <3 piNk
6. i'M a guRL?
7. i'M tHE pAiSEh-Ed oNe
1. fAiluRe
2. fACts
3. fAtS
4. bLack pPL
5. fUrtUrE
6. cAts/iNsEcTs/doGsHit
7. dRiFtiNg aPaRt fRm <3-Ed oNes
1. wO dE xUAn zE
2. iNcOmpLeT
3. pRetEnD
4. hAi pAH
5. wO yAo kUAn lE
6. bEcUs oF yOu
7. tHAts wHAt drEAm aRe mAde oF
1. tOiLet
2. LiKe
3. wHAteVer
4. aH- lAme
5. sHiT
6. tHEn
7. sHutt-Up lA
1. sHAn
2. sIyI
3. jAs
4. pEiwEn
5. sA-nO-fAr ^-^
6. yOu
7. bAnAnA gUy.
1. i <3 mH/pErTh pEepS/sHAn
2. i miSs pErtH
3. i bEliEvE tAt a bRigHter fUrTurE iS aLways baSed oN a fOrgoTteN pASt
4. cRazy
5. i <3 piNk
6. i'M a guRL?
7. i'M tHE pAiSEh-Ed oNe
1. fAiluRe
2. fACts
3. fAtS
4. bLack pPL
5. fUrtUrE
6. cAts/iNsEcTs/doGsHit
7. dRiFtiNg aPaRt fRm <3-Ed oNes
1. wO dE xUAn zE
2. iNcOmpLeT
3. pRetEnD
4. hAi pAH
5. wO yAo kUAn lE
6. bEcUs oF yOu
7. tHAts wHAt drEAm aRe mAde oF
1. tOiLet
2. LiKe
3. wHAteVer
4. aH- lAme
5. sHiT
6. tHEn
7. sHutt-Up lA
1. sHAn
2. sIyI
3. jAs
4. pEiwEn
5. sA-nO-fAr ^-^
6. yOu
7. bAnAnA gUy.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
i'M aT tHE oFfiCE, And mInGhAn. i cAnt rpLy uR mSg. tHerES sUmThIng wRoNg wiTh thAilAnD cOm. tSk.
i cAnt hElP iT iF mY aTtitUdE iS bAd bEcuS i jUSt HAte it wHEn u bEhAve lIKE a cOpy-fiEd vErsiOn oF HER. aND dUn eVer tElL ME whAt tO dO.
wElL, i rOttiNg \. jUSt wAiTiNg fOr 630. sO i cAn lEaVe tHis bLoodY oFfiCe. mAn!
i cAnt hElP iT iF mY aTtitUdE iS bAd bEcuS i jUSt HAte it wHEn u bEhAve lIKE a cOpy-fiEd vErsiOn oF HER. aND dUn eVer tElL ME whAt tO dO.
wElL, i rOttiNg \. jUSt wAiTiNg fOr 630. sO i cAn lEaVe tHis bLoodY oFfiCe. mAn!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
i'm iN tHAilAnd nOW. hAvE bEEn sHoPpiNg/ hEe.. i'M fAttEr thAn nOrmAl. tHAts aLl. aFter tHis i gO eAt aGAiN. tAttA. uPdAte aGAin. sEe yA pPl>
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
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