=(( u're affecting me.
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
oKay, hAhH. i seriOusLy dUn liKe sUm pPl iN cLaSs.
i toTaLly tHiNk tHAt WE GOT THE LAST LAUGH. hahHAhahhhAHHHaaHHa. pLs lA, iF u aIn't cOnfidEnt tHEn dUn blOG thIS (: WELL WE SHALL SEE WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH. oN uR bLog. cUs aHh, a litTlE paisEh aHh. BULLCRAP. i tHink liKE sHe liKE vEry oVer cOnfidEnt cAn.
okAy, lEtt mE eXpLAin.. sUm pPL fRm 3e1 wAnnA sEe wHu wiLl gEts tHe lAst lAugH cUs sErenE sAys thAt sHe sTudIed hArd aNd dIDnt gEt her deSirEd rEsuLts. sO sHE rEsUlted iN bLoggiNg oN bLog iN cAps sAy 'seE whU gEts tHE lAst lAugH'. bUt I tHiNk u diDnt gEt uR eXpEctEd lAst lAuGh. wAkAkKAka. (:
mAybE u'Ll tHink tHat i'M aN aRrogAnt liTtlE bYaTcH. tHEn lEt mE tElL u, i tHink u'rE wOrst. ^-^
wElL, rEsULtS wEre liKE okAy lA. (: bUt i stiLl fAiLEd a-mAths bY 2 markS. lOLs, thAts aN aChiEvEmEnt lA. i gUess. =) mAthS wAsNt vEry wEll-Ly doNe. bUt tHE rEst wAs okAy lA hUHh.
oKAy, i dUn liKe mY mAths tEacHer. fArkIng fAtTy!!sHe sEnd mE fOr rEfEreR sAyiNg that i thrEAthenEd hEr. wHa pIAnG, gOt bRaIns noT. whAt thE pI lA. okAy, then tOdAy gT giRlS cHeck. i nEed tO unpIck mY sKiRt. bUt thE teachers tRusted me to uNpIck mYsElF aNd rEtUrn thE uNpiCkEr tO thE gEnErAl oFfiCe. tHAt wAs niCe. (: bUt i didnt unpIck fIniSh lA. lOLs. i wAsNt thAt hOnest. ;)) hEy, bUt qUitE coOl lA hUh. nThiNG cOnfIscatEd. =DD
wEnt oUt wiTh sHan tHAt dAy, i hAd gREat fUN. oH mAn. sHE'S a liTtlE rEtarDeD lA. bUt i stiLl rEalLy tReaSure tYms wE sPent tGt. (: cUs xiE pEi sHan'S PRecIoUs lA. *-*
hOpe u'Ll gEt pRomOtEd lA. BEST LUCKS.
i toTaLly tHiNk tHAt WE GOT THE LAST LAUGH. hahHAhahhhAHHHaaHHa. pLs lA, iF u aIn't cOnfidEnt tHEn dUn blOG thIS (: WELL WE SHALL SEE WHO GETS THE LAST LAUGH. oN uR bLog. cUs aHh, a litTlE paisEh aHh. BULLCRAP. i tHink liKE sHe liKE vEry oVer cOnfidEnt cAn.
okAy, lEtt mE eXpLAin.. sUm pPL fRm 3e1 wAnnA sEe wHu wiLl gEts tHe lAst lAugH cUs sErenE sAys thAt sHe sTudIed hArd aNd dIDnt gEt her deSirEd rEsuLts. sO sHE rEsUlted iN bLoggiNg oN bLog iN cAps sAy 'seE whU gEts tHE lAst lAugH'. bUt I tHiNk u diDnt gEt uR eXpEctEd lAst lAuGh. wAkAkKAka. (:
mAybE u'Ll tHink tHat i'M aN aRrogAnt liTtlE bYaTcH. tHEn lEt mE tElL u, i tHink u'rE wOrst. ^-^
wElL, rEsULtS wEre liKE okAy lA. (: bUt i stiLl fAiLEd a-mAths bY 2 markS. lOLs, thAts aN aChiEvEmEnt lA. i gUess. =) mAthS wAsNt vEry wEll-Ly doNe. bUt tHE rEst wAs okAy lA hUHh.
oKAy, i dUn liKe mY mAths tEacHer. fArkIng fAtTy!!sHe sEnd mE fOr rEfEreR sAyiNg that i thrEAthenEd hEr. wHa pIAnG, gOt bRaIns noT. whAt thE pI lA. okAy, then tOdAy gT giRlS cHeck. i nEed tO unpIck mY sKiRt. bUt thE teachers tRusted me to uNpIck mYsElF aNd rEtUrn thE uNpiCkEr tO thE gEnErAl oFfiCe. tHAt wAs niCe. (: bUt i didnt unpIck fIniSh lA. lOLs. i wAsNt thAt hOnest. ;)) hEy, bUt qUitE coOl lA hUh. nThiNG cOnfIscatEd. =DD
wEnt oUt wiTh sHan tHAt dAy, i hAd gREat fUN. oH mAn. sHE'S a liTtlE rEtarDeD lA. bUt i stiLl rEalLy tReaSure tYms wE sPent tGt. (: cUs xiE pEi sHan'S PRecIoUs lA. *-*
hOpe u'Ll gEt pRomOtEd lA. BEST LUCKS.
=(( u're affecting me.
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
i know i'm not supposed to feel affected, i know i shouldn't ask,i know i'm not supposed to feel upset over it, i know i shan't care. but i cant help it.
i feel like we're different. its like you're so near yet u seemed so far, i dun really know u anymore. ;( i need you but u are there but not there, sumhow.
i'll stay strong, i dun wanna cry anymore. its tiring. =((((((((((((((((
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