Monday, December 03, 2007

okay, serene ask me to blog with pics. and these are all i have in my phone :D mostly its only ME. LOL

okay, this is the cookie baking with my brother.

the dough~we were waiting for the cookie. :)
brother's mouth? i didnt know this pic exist.



the cookie took long, thats why there's like lotsa pic of us! LOL
thats a laptop beside a mircowave. LOL.
yao yao and yao shirui :D
that can there is liike veg oil spay. but man! it stinks. LOL.

we threw away the burnt cookies, thats why there's an empty plate.

thats the skinny jeans, serene.
the accessories, there are like still more in the sink. :D

the heart-ful long sleeve :)
plenty hidden thoughts.

the dress, only top that i took like that.

just trying.

ya. :S

anw, thailand is cold. and recently i'm like trying hard to be happy. yup

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