Friday, January 23, 2009

i spend my first day in singapore really alone-ly.
I cleaned my room, did my assignment and watch lake house alone.
at first, i wasn't happy but after that, i was okay.
I felt at peace.
And then i think about what i was thinking about..
who can be with us 24 hours everyday. One day, people will leave.
One day, people need to disappoint you, thats what life's about. 
So if we love, we risk that we break our hearts..
And if we want to keep our hearts safe and unwounded ; we hide it..
So we feel unloved. And to feel unloved means being with millions of people but still feel lonely. 
sometimes, i get so busy, i can't believe how isolated i allow myself to get. Sometimes, it gets a bit depressing.. and then you think of falling in love but then.... 

where love rules, there is no will to power; where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.

so ya.. back to reality! i got to gt my assignments done!

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