Monday, March 23, 2009

Those were the days..
My most precious. 
We had to grow up.

But we'll still stay as close as possible. Promise!AS YOU SEE~
i just blog to say i miss people. Its not that i'm done with my Finals, but you know... Kinda want a break, having my last paper tomorrow. ((: Im like contemplating if i should like switch major. Nothing serious though.
I miss robert, melody, my sister and my grandpa.
:( Quite weird though. Not dysfunctionally miss, but... miss miss.
It would be good if anyone of them can come and like i could just see them. Somehow.
Robert is in Taiwan. I know he'll learn, feel happy and excited for him too. But just you know, a little weird that i'm not there, like we used to know what each other does every hour. Hah.
All the best ass. Love ya plenty plenty and thanks for being with me alll allll the time. 
Melody, she'll be fine. I know but she'll be happier with me. :D
My sister.. so weird but i miss her, damn alot closer to my sis as compared to my brother. I guess its like the age and partially the gender? Hope that she's happy though. Eat and be happy with Randy ah. Dont keep on getting piss k! 
My grandpa, i just miss him. :(
I think he's like the one person in my life that i know will always be nice to me. He hasnt scold me before and i know i'm always his favourite. From then till now. I was happiest when i was living with them. You know, when i was still that little naughty girl, i still remember it though. And as i get older, i drift away and like he still really loves me. Okay! shall text him.

I shall be thankful in life. And things that once upset me that i really really want to forget and not forgetten will be left there. No more effort made to forget. I should let it be.. hmmm.. a part of my life story. i dont know. Anyway. Everyone, i'm starting to miss home. Maybe this is it. everyone faces this. *-* but i'm good. My friends around are doing a gd job keeping me strong.
I'm Blessed.

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