Monday, June 08, 2009

This shall be a cool post, Start and end with cool people.
LOL, this is like random parts that i have pictures of my life.
She Had PINK hair. *-*I was so amazed and need to take pictures.

Ice CREAAAAAAAM, before China. (:With them... Liew, Gift and part of my face. *-* Movies, Nachoes and Pop Corn.

:D Accumulating Fats.
The Stupid Greedy spoilt Ass. :D I'M SUROUNDED BY INSANES! Lol. This was after Finals, last term.

*-* Gift.
I COOK THIS!! Mushrooms, Capsicus , potatoes, Hams. :) It was yummy.
:D Having Feast.
:D Yup. Me and my sister! So means one of us are flying.. She came here, miss her though. *-* Did lotsa stuff. but pics not with me. She came for Thai New Yr.
:D Classic. And... I did this yesterday. Looking so nice huh. BUT UNCOOK ;( The inside of the Salmon was cold. LOL. So... The smart me..

Did this. (: take out all the meat. LOL.

And at night!!! Party and celebrate the one free week. like this is the time whereby we have less workload.

And with this, i've come to the end! He... probably likes cubes? Or play too much chest? LOl.


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