thIng thAt hAve hAppEn ARe mAkinG mE cRazY, gOsh..sUm oF oUr cLass pPL aRe sUpEr tUrbO uN-cOopEratiVe cAn? itS liKe iTS a cLass thiNg tHEn mAke iT tiLl liKe iTS oUr owN tHing liKe thAt, plEAsE lA. wE aaRen't bEgginG u tO cUm lOrr, iTs like itS a cLaSs thIng tHen liKe goSh l, whAts thAt attitUde lOrRs. i mEAn liKE iF u dUn wAna pAy. fIne tHEn dUn cUm cUs wE'Ll dO gReat eVen iF u arEnt aRouNd lOrr.. piSsEr, tHaT atTitUde iS bAd lA..
mR sNg sUckS lOrr.
whAts tHe use oF aPoLogiSiNg wiThout kNowiNg uR mIStAke lA. asshOlE sUcKer cAn? pLeasE lA, dUn aSk mE tO rEspEct u whEn u dUn eVen kNow hOw tO rEspEcT uS.. i hAtE u lA.. dUn lOok dOwn oN pPL lOrr aNd tHink bEfoRe u sPeaK lA. oiLyEd hAir.. EwWw~
dUn knOW wHats wrOng wiTh me, hAte iT whEn u mEntIon hEr infRoNt oF mE.. hmmM, whAts wrOng wiTh mE? i'm tHink aLwaYs whEn u tAlK aBt Her i FeEL iNsEcUrE, bUt i cAnt aSk fer aNithIng cUs i kNow u pUt iN mUcH mOre thAn mE rIght?.. ohH, wElL.. jUSt lEt iT bE thIs wAy tHen. i'Ll tRy mY bESt tO gEt uSe tO iT.. :)
tHe fEvEr tHAt i;M hAviN nOw iS kiLliNg mE, cUs i dUn kNow iF i cAn gO fEr dAnce a nOt tmrr.. gOsh. jUSt cUm bAck fRm brOtHer's pErfOrmAnCe.. hAHhHa.. tHe cHilDrEn dUn kNow whAt hAppEniNg oN stAge, jUsre wAvE in The miDst oF pErfOrmIng loRr.. loLs.. sO iNnoCenT.. yEstErdAy wEnt oUt wiTh gRanDmA, cOusIn.. loLS.. WenT fer hIgh-tEa iN mAdriNe hOtEL.. yUps.. hAd fUn, stAyeD in gRanDmA hSe Fer a dAy.. miSs tHoSe dAy whEn i gEt tO sTAy ThErE eVery wEeK.. =)
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
tiDes aRe hiGh, aUtomiC kiTten
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that (Oh no)
It's not the things you do
That tease and hurt me bad
But it's the way you do the things
You do to meI'm not the kinda girl
Who gives up just like that oOh no
The tide is high
But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high
But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number oneNumber one
Every girl wants You to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'Til it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that Oh no
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber one
Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe in
Everytime that I got you near me
I don't believe that I want it to be
But you know that I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure
Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait right here'Til it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that Oh no
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe in
Everytime that I got you near me
I don't believe that I want it to be
But you know that I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure
nO maTter wHAt i'Ll tRy mY bEst, i wUn dIsapOinT yOu ;)
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that (Oh no)
It's not the things you do
That tease and hurt me bad
But it's the way you do the things
You do to meI'm not the kinda girl
Who gives up just like that oOh no
The tide is high
But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high
But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number oneNumber one
Every girl wants You to be her man
But I'll wait my dear 'Til it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that Oh no
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number oneNumber oneNumber one
Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe in
Everytime that I got you near me
I don't believe that I want it to be
But you know that I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure
Every girl wants you to be her man
But I'll wait right here'Til it's my turn
I'm not the kinda girl Who gives up just like that Oh no
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high But I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Everytime that I get the feelingYou give me something to believe in
Everytime that I got you near me
I don't believe that I want it to be
But you know that I'm gonna take my chance now
I'm gonna make it happen somehow
And you know I can take the pressure
A moment's pain for a lifetime pleasure
nO maTter wHAt i'Ll tRy mY bEst, i wUn dIsapOinT yOu ;)
Monday, October 24, 2005
fiNaLly wE mEt uP, pLanNed tO tAlK aBoUt aLl uNhapPinEss We hAve bUt wE dIdnt lA, rEally vOiCe oUt anItHinG tHen hE cAlLed tAlK fEr 47 sUmtHing miNuTeS.. tHen eNdeD uP bAdLy tHen tHe mSg sAvEd eVerytHing.. =) WE wEre bAcK tO nOrMAL aGaiN, sRry fEr bEiNg uNrEasOnaBLe.. =x. bUt stiLl tHerEs a rEaL biG cHalLeNgE, wHiCh i tHink i cAnt mAkE iT, tOtaLly nO cOnfiDenCe..bUt jUst gOt tO bE faiR sO yUp, dEcidEd tHat hE shaLl nOt waIt fEr mE tO cUm bAck aNimOre.. cUs iTs liKe sO dAmN uNfaiR.. aNd iT hAs bEen 5 mTh.. yUp.. sO mAyBe i'Ve jUst gOta mAke a dEsIcioN bA.. sO yUp. qUitE shOck wiTh whAt i sAid oVer tHe pHoNe tOo.. hAhHa.. jUst gOt tO lEarN sUmdAy.. =)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
nUmB tO stUfF, eVeryThinG iS wRoNg.. i rAthEr u lEavE mE aLoNe tHan u sAy tHiNgs tHat hUrt sO mUch.. nThinG iS goIng tO bE wOrSe tHan lAsT niGht.. u tOrN mE aParT, i rAtHer tO bE hAted fEr wHo i rEalLy aM tHan tO bE lOvEd fOr wHo i'M nOt..
Friday, October 21, 2005
miSs tOk is a nIce tEAcHer, tHink shE rOcKs :)
tOdAy mE anD mEl sNeEk in tO sChoOL cUs We dUn wanNa gO fEr fiRst pEriOd.. yUpp..
gOt bAck The rEasUlTs fEr chInESe anD eNgLisH pApEr tWo..
gOt 66/100 fEr cHinEse
aNd 34/50 fEr eNgLisH..
sO eXciTed bOut bBq.. wOots, cUs wE'Ll bE gOing tO wiLd wiLd wEt tO pLay.. hAhahHHa.. aNd iTs lIke tOtaLly cRazY tOdAy.. =), sRry fEr The cRAp That i gAve u dUriNg aSseMbLy mELissa liM hUi yiNg anD We nEver bUlLy u lEhs. i Think iS u bUlLy uS lEhs.. :)
tOdAy mE anD mEl sNeEk in tO sChoOL cUs We dUn wanNa gO fEr fiRst pEriOd.. yUpp..
gOt bAck The rEasUlTs fEr chInESe anD eNgLisH pApEr tWo..
gOt 66/100 fEr cHinEse
aNd 34/50 fEr eNgLisH..
sO eXciTed bOut bBq.. wOots, cUs wE'Ll bE gOing tO wiLd wiLd wEt tO pLay.. hAhahHHa.. aNd iTs lIke tOtaLly cRazY tOdAy.. =), sRry fEr The cRAp That i gAve u dUriNg aSseMbLy mELissa liM hUi yiNg anD We nEver bUlLy u lEhs. i Think iS u bUlLy uS lEhs.. :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
tHinGs aRenT liKe whAt iTs sUpPosE tO bE~
cRapPisHLy sUcKy.. hAis, jUsT wAn tO sLeEp aNd nEvEr wAKe uP cUs liFe sUx cUrRentLy cAn?? fReAkiNgLy bAD~ eXAms aRe oVer.. woOts anD i tHink tHe rEasULt arE gOiNn tO suCk rEaL bAd.. dAddys cUmiNg bAck tOdAy.. sAdiStiC.. hAte tO hAve hiM aT hOme.. gOsh.
hAd gReat fUn toDAy lOr, yUp.. aFtEr sChOL wEnt tO fiNd tEAcHers tO cOlLeCt mOnEy aS cOntRi fEr bBq ThinGy, tHen wEnt tO eAt K.F.C loLs.. wiTh sHAn, vOn anD mEL.. bUNcH oF mAd lAdiEs.. wE liKe tOtAlLy lAugH liKe hElL cAn?.. tHen wE pLay iN tHe toiLet cUs oF vOn lA.. =x.. tHEn weNt oUt iNtenDiNg tO gO bOoK thE cHAlEt tHen vOn sAy gO hEr hSe tHen gO.. Then jUSre lORR.. Then tHey rUn lA.. liKe rEtArdeDs loRr.. jUrse rUn lEhs.. hOw cAn jUrse rUn.. oMg.. loLS.. sO dAmN eMbArAssImg Then vOn anD shAn stiLl dO mOnkEy aCtiOns. rUn tO cAtcH tHe 38 bUs. tHen like sEe wRonGLy lOrr sO nT 38.. HAhahah.. tHen pLAy wiTh nTUC tRoLey Thats lEft oN tHe stReEs, wE pUt oUr bAgs in Then iNtEnd tO pUt The tRoLey tO vOns hSe/ Then The 38 cAmE.. loLS.. WE toOk oUr bAgs oUt Then rUn tO The bUs.. sO lAme lOrr.. then rEacH vOns hSe stiLl lAugHiN liKe hElL.. tHen sHAn's dAddiE fEtcH uS tO That dwNtOwn eAst tO bOok tHe cHAlEt lOrr.. Then hEr faTher is liKe fUnNy cAn?.. oMg.. hAH. Then tAke bUS bAck wiTh sHAn.. sHe cAme tO mY hSe.. lOLs..
sUmtiMes uR atTiTude rEAlLy uPseTs mE.. dUnno wHAt wRoNg lA.. toTAlLy.. mAybE i jUSe shAnt cAre tOo mUcH aNimOre.. lEt tHings bE liKe wHat iT wAnt tO be eVen iF its nT sUpPose tO bE tHis wAy.. =), i'Ll tRy...
cRapPisHLy sUcKy.. hAis, jUsT wAn tO sLeEp aNd nEvEr wAKe uP cUs liFe sUx cUrRentLy cAn?? fReAkiNgLy bAD~ eXAms aRe oVer.. woOts anD i tHink tHe rEasULt arE gOiNn tO suCk rEaL bAd.. dAddys cUmiNg bAck tOdAy.. sAdiStiC.. hAte tO hAve hiM aT hOme.. gOsh.
hAd gReat fUn toDAy lOr, yUp.. aFtEr sChOL wEnt tO fiNd tEAcHers tO cOlLeCt mOnEy aS cOntRi fEr bBq ThinGy, tHen wEnt tO eAt K.F.C loLs.. wiTh sHAn, vOn anD mEL.. bUNcH oF mAd lAdiEs.. wE liKe tOtAlLy lAugH liKe hElL cAn?.. tHen wE pLay iN tHe toiLet cUs oF vOn lA.. =x.. tHEn weNt oUt iNtenDiNg tO gO bOoK thE cHAlEt tHen vOn sAy gO hEr hSe tHen gO.. Then jUSre lORR.. Then tHey rUn lA.. liKe rEtArdeDs loRr.. jUrse rUn lEhs.. hOw cAn jUrse rUn.. oMg.. loLS.. sO dAmN eMbArAssImg Then vOn anD shAn stiLl dO mOnkEy aCtiOns. rUn tO cAtcH tHe 38 bUs. tHen like sEe wRonGLy lOrr sO nT 38.. HAhahah.. tHen pLAy wiTh nTUC tRoLey Thats lEft oN tHe stReEs, wE pUt oUr bAgs in Then iNtEnd tO pUt The tRoLey tO vOns hSe/ Then The 38 cAmE.. loLS.. WE toOk oUr bAgs oUt Then rUn tO The bUs.. sO lAme lOrr.. then rEacH vOns hSe stiLl lAugHiN liKe hElL.. tHen sHAn's dAddiE fEtcH uS tO That dwNtOwn eAst tO bOok tHe cHAlEt lOrr.. Then hEr faTher is liKe fUnNy cAn?.. oMg.. hAH. Then tAke bUS bAck wiTh sHAn.. sHe cAme tO mY hSe.. lOLs..
sUmtiMes uR atTiTude rEAlLy uPseTs mE.. dUnno wHAt wRoNg lA.. toTAlLy.. mAybE i jUSe shAnt cAre tOo mUcH aNimOre.. lEt tHings bE liKe wHat iT wAnt tO be eVen iF its nT sUpPose tO bE tHis wAy.. =), i'Ll tRy...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
tHoUgHts rEalLy kiLls mE, tYm paSs tHAt meAns thAt eVeryTHinGs gOing tO eNd, hAte tHis fEeLinG.. tOdAy sLeEp iN thE mUsiC roOm fLoRr wiTh mEL jAc And sHAn, tHen wAtch sUm aNiMaLs bEiNg tOrtUred sHow, liKe pIgs sKiNned aLiVe, cHiCkEns sLamMed oN tHe fLooR anD tHe cAttLes bEiNg bUrNed jUst tO hAve tHe bLooDy lOgOs for hUman pUrpOses, crAp lA.. sO sAd lOrr, tHAt sUm aNimAls wERe bOrNed tO bE tOrTurEd lIke tHey cAn tOtaLly cUt oF tHe cOw tEstiCLes tO mAke iT lEss-aGgreSivE liKe whAt tHe hElL.. mAns Are sO bLooDy cRuEL, jUst hOpe thAt oNe dAy thEiR tEstIcLes wOuLd bE cUt oFf sO theY wOuLdNt bE sO aGgrEsiVe.. sO siCkEniNg, tHinKinG oF whEre tHoSe mEaT cUm fRm.. i tOtAlLy dUn fEel liKe eAtIng.. HAven bEen eAtiNg mUcH fRoM lUnCh tiLl nOw.. hMmm..
sRry mElisSa. iTs kiLls mE tO sEe tYm pAss lIke thAt aNd i cAnt do anItHinG aBouT iT, i wOnDer whEn tHAt dAy cUm cAn i dO aNitHinG abOut uR dEcisIOns?.. mAyBe wE sHoUld bEcUm vEgEtaRiAn lOrR.. gOsH.
sRry mElisSa. iTs kiLls mE tO sEe tYm pAss lIke thAt aNd i cAnt do anItHinG aBouT iT, i wOnDer whEn tHAt dAy cUm cAn i dO aNitHinG abOut uR dEcisIOns?.. mAyBe wE sHoUld bEcUm vEgEtaRiAn lOrR.. gOsH.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
sUmtiMes iTs juSt sO sCarY hOw tym pAsS, i fReaKiNg piSs wiTh mAthS.. aRGghs, tOtaLly lAst iN maThs lA.. crAp. sChoOls fUn lA, wEnT fEr tHAt pRe-tUrN-iN bAd tAlK fEr sELecTed sTudEnts.. tHAts bOo-Ly bOrInG.. wE sKipPed pE yEsTErdAy, hAd gREat fUn wiTH mEl iN tHe tOiLet, sOunDs rEtarDed yEa?.. hAhhHA..
tRue <3 lAst tHe loNgEst, fEeLs tHe stRoNgEr aNd hUst tHe mOst..
tRue <3 lAst tHe loNgEst, fEeLs tHe stRoNgEr aNd hUst tHe mOst..
Monday, October 10, 2005
dUn lEavE mE.. pRomIse mE nO mAttEr wHAt you'Ll stAy riGht hEre wiTh mEe.. i nEed yOu, nOw aNd aLwAys.. i wUn aGrEe tO thAt tHinG thAt yOu bRiNg uP bEcUs i woULdnT lEt tHIs whOle thiNg gO.. nOt fEr tHAt reAsOn.. bUT i hAve fAiTH iN yOU.. dUn diSsapOinT mE yEa..(:
Friday, October 07, 2005
tHiNgs suckS!!
aFtEr whAt u sAy oN tHe pHonE, i kNew tHere wEre teArs in mY eyEs bUt i gOt tO bE sTrOnG.. i cOntRoLled mY teArs mY eMoTiOns aNd tElLing mYsElF eVerytHinG wAs fiNe.. bUt iT sOoooOOooo iSn'T.. aRGGGhhhhHhhHhhhHhhHHHhh.. sAy whAtevEr u wAnnA sAy, oNcE iTs bRoKen its bRoKen?.. i'M tOtalLy shAttEred, cAnt bE woRse thAn thESe... fArkIn liFe iN thIs sHitfIed woRLd.. i cRy, i cRy anD i cRy.. i gOt tO leArn hOw tO stOp cRyiNg oNe dAy, lEArN tO lIVE mY own lIFe dEPENDING oN nOnE bUt mYsElF... wHAt aM i tO U mAn?....... bOOOOO~
fEEl sO sHit nOw, crAp.. pRoBabLy iTs mY fAuLt fOr mAkintHeSe wHoLe tHiGy so dIfFicULt fEr boTh oF uS.. anD i kNow i sUcK.. mOOdLEsS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thiS iS sO siCKEniNg. i'M sO bAdLy nOt okAy.. whAts wrOng wiTh mE?? thIs iS sOOO crAp.. aRRHHs sICKENING loRR......
aFtEr whAt u sAy oN tHe pHonE, i kNew tHere wEre teArs in mY eyEs bUt i gOt tO bE sTrOnG.. i cOntRoLled mY teArs mY eMoTiOns aNd tElLing mYsElF eVerytHinG wAs fiNe.. bUt iT sOoooOOooo iSn'T.. aRGGGhhhhHhhHhhhHhhHHHhh.. sAy whAtevEr u wAnnA sAy, oNcE iTs bRoKen its bRoKen?.. i'M tOtalLy shAttEred, cAnt bE woRse thAn thESe... fArkIn liFe iN thIs sHitfIed woRLd.. i cRy, i cRy anD i cRy.. i gOt tO leArn hOw tO stOp cRyiNg oNe dAy, lEArN tO lIVE mY own lIFe dEPENDING oN nOnE bUt mYsElF... wHAt aM i tO U mAn?....... bOOOOO~
fEEl sO sHit nOw, crAp.. pRoBabLy iTs mY fAuLt fOr mAkintHeSe wHoLe tHiGy so dIfFicULt fEr boTh oF uS.. anD i kNow i sUcK.. mOOdLEsS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thiS iS sO siCKEniNg. i'M sO bAdLy nOt okAy.. whAts wrOng wiTh mE?? thIs iS sOOO crAp.. aRRHHs sICKENING loRR......
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
sLuTs aRe diScUstIng, wHy dO yOu pPL liKe gOIng aRd sNatChiN pPLs bOyfRiEnD?.. aNd liKe goIng aRd tHinkiN iTs sUmtHinG coOL, gOsH.. iTs lIkE sLuT lA.. oMg loRr, juRsee cAnt stAnd iT.. iF sUmoNe hAs a giRLfrIeNd aLreAdy jUst lEaVE hiM aRD cAn? aRgGh.. wHateVer, sHan'T nAmE nAmEs hEre.. aNd liKe i'M wHu i aM iN fROnT oF miNG hAn lA, sO pLeAse kEep uR cOMmeNtS tO uRseLf.. cUs i dUn nEeD tHem aNd liKe tOtaLly pLeaSe oPeN uR eYeS bEfOre cOmmEntIn cAn?.. aNd i tHink u aRe liKe dIscUstInG, sO cHiLdiSh lA.. aNd lYk giVe cOmmEnts aBoUT mE.. dO iT iN fRoNt oF mE whY dO iT bEhiNd mY baCk?.. cOwaRD!!! tHis iS liKe sO piSsiNg mE oFf.. oKay, i sOunD a bIt rEtaRdEd hERe..
yEsTerdAy wAs fUnN..=) hApPy biRtHdaY sHann, tHinK sHes stiLl nOt uSe tO bE 14, sHe stiLl iN hEr liViN tHe wAy sHe wAs tHe dAy bEfoRe yEstErdAy whIch wAs wHen shE iS stiLl 13.. ahHHa.. sRRy.. pLay anD pLay, lAugH aNd lAuGh yEstErdAy.. hOpe u lIke tHe sUrpRisE yEstErdAy hOr sHan.. We pLay bLOcK cAtcHiNg, bOm , iCe anD wAteR aNd lEadEr.. hOw lAme riGht?.. lOLs.. bUt iTs lIke fUn lOrR, bUt kExIn diDnt cOme.. hAHh..
hOme eCoNs wAs tOtaLly cRazY.. wE cOokEd oUrsElF, nOt oUrsELf lAR, bUt oUr oWn diSh.. hAHah.. sO fUnN.. (:
hOpe mElIssA'S hAnd iS oKay.. tAkE cARe hOr siCKeNinG gEr.. =)
tOdAy kiNda sUcKs, mY pHoNe iS so sPoiLt lA.. hAis.. cRAp. i hAte cHinEse lEssOns, iT jUst sUcKs.. loLs.. sO iRriTAtIng lA, lIke hAve cHinEse lEssOns aLmoSt tHe whOle wEeK..
hOw dEpReSsiNg cAn tHAt bE.. =S
yEsTerdAy wAs fUnN..=) hApPy biRtHdaY sHann, tHinK sHes stiLl nOt uSe tO bE 14, sHe stiLl iN hEr liViN tHe wAy sHe wAs tHe dAy bEfoRe yEstErdAy whIch wAs wHen shE iS stiLl 13.. ahHHa.. sRRy.. pLay anD pLay, lAugH aNd lAuGh yEstErdAy.. hOpe u lIke tHe sUrpRisE yEstErdAy hOr sHan.. We pLay bLOcK cAtcHiNg, bOm , iCe anD wAteR aNd lEadEr.. hOw lAme riGht?.. lOLs.. bUt iTs lIke fUn lOrR, bUt kExIn diDnt cOme.. hAHh..
hOme eCoNs wAs tOtaLly cRazY.. wE cOokEd oUrsElF, nOt oUrsELf lAR, bUt oUr oWn diSh.. hAHah.. sO fUnN.. (:
hOpe mElIssA'S hAnd iS oKay.. tAkE cARe hOr siCKeNinG gEr.. =)
tOdAy kiNda sUcKs, mY pHoNe iS so sPoiLt lA.. hAis.. cRAp. i hAte cHinEse lEssOns, iT jUst sUcKs.. loLs.. sO iRriTAtIng lA, lIke hAve cHinEse lEssOns aLmoSt tHe whOle wEeK..
hOw dEpReSsiNg cAn tHAt bE.. =S
Sunday, October 02, 2005
rEalLy hAd fUn oN fRiDay, wEnt tO meEt mY gRandmA, cOusIn aNd qI aFteR scHoOl.. iT hAs bEen a lOng tYm siNce tHe 4 oF uS wEnt oUt tOgEthEr..=).. wAtcH dArk wAters iN ciNE.. rEalLy lOvE gRanDmA lOts, sHe lIke tOtaLly fUnnY..(: tHen wEnt tO cOusIn hSe In hOlLanD jUst tO gEt hiS bLooDy cHArGer tHen tHey cAme tO mY hOuse tO sTay oVernIGhT.. WE tRAvElLed fRm oRchArd tO hoLlaNd tHen bAck tO tAmpiNes jUsRe cUs oF hIs cHArgEr.. hOw rEtaRd..
jUsrE mEt uP wiTh mEl tO dO sUm stUfF.. sUddEnLy rEaLisEd tHat wE arE sIcKLy rEtArD.. hAHahA.. hMMm.. bUt cAnt dEnY tHat i lOve hEr..=) tMrRs sHan biRthDAy.. gOinG tO gIvE u a rEAlLy mEmOrAbLE bIrtHdAy.. gOing tO hyAtT fEr bIrtHdAy cElEbrAtiOn lAter.. iTs sUcKs.. hUmPss.. i mIss mInghAn, rEalLy miSs thOse tYms wHen wE mEt uP lAte iN thE niGht thEn wE wAlK fRm iNtErchAngE tO mY hOusE.. iTs lIke uNfOrtAbLe mEmOriEs..=)
gOt tA gO.. hAHHAs.. i lOve miNghAn.. wEeWeE~
jUsrE mEt uP wiTh mEl tO dO sUm stUfF.. sUddEnLy rEaLisEd tHat wE arE sIcKLy rEtArD.. hAHahA.. hMMm.. bUt cAnt dEnY tHat i lOve hEr..=) tMrRs sHan biRthDAy.. gOinG tO gIvE u a rEAlLy mEmOrAbLE bIrtHdAy.. gOing tO hyAtT fEr bIrtHdAy cElEbrAtiOn lAter.. iTs sUcKs.. hUmPss.. i mIss mInghAn, rEalLy miSs thOse tYms wHen wE mEt uP lAte iN thE niGht thEn wE wAlK fRm iNtErchAngE tO mY hOusE.. iTs lIke uNfOrtAbLe mEmOriEs..=)
gOt tA gO.. hAHHAs.. i lOve miNghAn.. wEeWeE~
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