Monday, June 02, 2008

Dayy 7. :D
went shopping at orchard with mummy, tik and yao.
And then went Giant and ikea for dinner.
Bought my guess bag! ((:
Met serene for 3 minutes. LOL.
(: Mummy's room.
He was irrtatting. He totally needs 3 handle.(: took train, cause gota teach tik how to move around in TRAIN.

In the bus. Having swollen eyes. ):
DAY 8.
:) send Tik to british council. Met robert there. Totally, he say the train after my train. and the bus after my bus. LOL. Walked to tanglin Mall for breakfast.

Felt damn cheated by the diluted horlicks. BOO!
He emptied his nasi lemak plate.:D Thanks for the company.Met up up with serene. Took Bus to grandparent's place.Made a new discovery. 106 can reach orchard, Singapore poly and Bukit Butok. :)And then went to Expo food fir and popular. Robert stole this specs. ((:

My last day, DAY 9.went to orchard with sis, bought lavin perfume, wallets for me and for her. Met serene, robert and serene come over. Serene went off first. Cooked lotsa stuff after dinner. And had Yam paste, Salad, Hot dog and fish fillet.! ((:

me and sis. It was the first time i went to orchard, just the 2 if us tgt. Had fun but she;'s kinda slow.LOL. Thanks for vonning and the treat!

went to toast house for lunch. YUPPS. and we spent 10 bucks on bread (;POU LOU PAO is NICE.:D too excited to be in the picture.:D she's in love. Hope they'll be happy for a long long time. its amazing, we're all semi-grown-ups.

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