Monday, June 02, 2008

Okay, i shall blog (;
In a organise manner.
So shall recao my happydays in singapore.

On the 1st day. No as in like on that midnight that i arrived. Robert was the first that i saw.
So Like it has always been the 3 of us..
We've decided to sneak into serene's at 3 am in the morning.*-*
So cabbed to serene's and stayed there for a while at the balcony.
And cabbed home (:

So we had FOOD, in the dark. SmarteSSt!
Spastic Cham!

Enthu Ass!

He's at my place, in a very reluctant way ):
There's a change.
But still, we always treasure each other.


We were munching on this, and it was total DARKNESS that we got to flash and take a pic to see what are we eating. *-*

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