Monday, June 02, 2008

On the second day. Met serene (;
Went TM.
Had lemon honey bubble tea. The aunties were the least innovative. Like ask them if we can have honey and lemon ice blended. she was like NO! so nom choice, we had to order 2 cups and mix :D Quite nice acutally. Had ya kun for dinner. :D Lotsa bread!

Our desert after ya kun! Like herbal eggs and gua ling gao. The dessert stall at century square's lobby is yummy.
very lamely went arcard! ((:

She Won that dumb ferrari game. CUS HER LEG'S LONGER!!

But it was great Fun.

then went to play another machine. Was retarded. LOl, adrenaline secreting, Serious. The photo wrong Machine. LOL.

And WE HAD PERFECT!!! :DThen went to the court to vissit Brandon. i was nice to buy Curry puff *-* And on the way, there were indians holding hand!

This was my second day. I'm doing quite well in organising. Oh and i'm awake. Woke up at 4 am in a sleeping way today. Jog 5 km in a sleeping mode. LoL. i like working out early early in the morning when you're still unawake. So like when you're finally awake. You've already done yr work out! :D i think it works!!

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