Monday, June 02, 2008

on the thrid day.

Went out with mummy, did facial (: Met aunty kris.

On the fourth day.
Yes, as you can see..
i went out with Mel.
Headed to orchard.
LOL. Then felt damn swollen so we both bought SLIMING PRODUCTS FROM SASA.
Didnt have any photos with mel cause didnt have cam with me. its all with her!
So send her to school then meet serene!
headed to air port to fetch tik!
Met robert and had dinner.
serene went home.
Robert stayed!

Robert at shirui's (: Tik, Shag me and robert! Okay. like whatever to their cannon!

Day 5 ((:
Send bro to school. went tp to visit robert.
Im nice :D
Then went to Arcard. LOL.
Met ming han, had ice-cream.
Headed to food court.
had damn dumb photo taking session with bert and serene.

went to Ya kun and then walk serene home and robert walk me home and i waited the last 28 with him. :)
Robert! :( We're losing. Car game. I win till the very last second. RZobert won :(((((( Stupid Cheater that won last minute. Thanks for EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING! and i mean it.(: Thanks a lot. LOL. PROMOTION! My new PINK psp.He kope serene's sister boyfriend's phone!Serene kope her sister's bf phone!So basically thats me and KOPERS!! My belated Bday prezzie from MH. Thanks!

Had fun. ((; and this day was the day that i had bad flows at ya kun.Really talked it out, and our bonds we definetely stonger.I LOVE THE BOTH OF THEM, They're as good as my family!

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