Sunday, July 30, 2006

i'M soRry, i'vE tRied mY bESt.
i'M cRuEL, i kNow. =(

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

i'm nT hApPy wiTh sCh liFe. totAlLy nOt. jUst liKE bUrsT tOdAy, wAs reALlY iRritAtEd wiTh sTuFf aRrd. yUup, i gUeSs tHis iS aLL thAnks tO tHe CHAN.


mH, thAnks fOr bEiNg tHerE, aLwAys.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

i'M hOLdiNg a eXpLosIve bAlL ^-^

oHh, thAts tHe TOILET.

aNd tHere, sHE wAs tRyiNg tO hiDe aWay frm tHe cAmM

dEniSe wAs tRyiN to tHrOw sMArtIeeS iNtO sErEnes mOuTh. *cHiLdiSh aHh*

gOsh, i'Ve nO iDea wHats tHiS.

a cAntEen wiThoUt pPL

oH tHAts thE wAlL.


cAntEen sHoTs fOr sKit
hEe, wEnt tO sch aFetr sCh tOdAy. uNtiL thE lAst miNuTe thEn we knOw whAt wE wAs sUpPose tO do.. bUt loT of lAmE-iNg wAs done

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

oKay, i'M blogGinG. hEE ^-^
rEcEnTLy mIss cHan cUm oUt wiTh tHis dUmB sHoRt sKirT tHiNgy. liKE whAt tHE hElL lA. sHe sAys i'D bE sEnT out iF i dUn lEnGhTen mY sKirT. aSShoLe. lIKE sO mAny pPls sKirt aRe shoRteR. okAy, wHAtevEr.
i diDnt wEnt tO sCh oN mOn, liKE sO totally nOt in tHE sTudYiNg moOd nOW, wEnt tOdAy. tHere wErE likE cHina pPl viStiNg uS, oHh mAn. thEy lOoked liKE tHe sAme, sAme haIr, sPecS, uNi. hEe, bUt todAy'S lEsSon wAs liKE crapPy. oH, tHE oNLy uSefUL pArt wAs tHE sKit rEhErsAL. rEalLy hOpE iT'LL be sucEssfUL la.
i'M nOt gNg tO sCh tMrR. hAhH, tHE tHoUght oF it mAKe me hApPy. lOLS. i'LL gO sCh aFtEr sCh, dOin sKiT. oKAy, tHis sOuNds weriD.

hAd MOE excel dAy, wiLl uPloAd lIKe sUm piCtUres. oHh, bEfoRe thAt wE wEnT sWiMming. mE, sErEn aNd eRicA. it wAs liKe sO mUch fUn. :DDD buT tHe gUard wAs iRritAtiNg. yUpp, hE diDnt lEt uS cLiMb uP THE sLidE. i wAs tRyinG hArd tO cLimB uP tHEn i fLiP aND sLiDe dWnN. tHE fLiP wAs thEn kNoWn aS tHE bUrgEr fLip, aLl thAt gUards fAuLt. tSk tSk. loLS, all tHE fUnNy mOmenTs were at tHE sLiDe.
tHEn tHEn tHEnn, wE wEre lAte fOr excEl dAy. hEE. oHh, aNd mR kAw diDnt cOvEr tHE pAint aNd iT enDed uP sPilliNg. sO wE wErE liKE supPosE tO cLeAn tHE mEsS, i lEfT a hAnD pRiNt oN the toILeT wALL. oHh, bUt i wAs cAuGht. wE aRe aSsigNed tO cLeaN tHE toiLet. oHh, wE diD a sUper gREat jOb yAh, tHe toiLet wAs cLeanEr tHEn bEfoRe. lOLSs.
tHEn mUmmy cAme tO pIcK mE uP cUs, wE gT tO pinT our fAce thE wAy wE diD in pErtH. buT mY haiR wAs aLL sTaiNed aS wElL. ^-^

i sLacked aND i sLacKed aNd i sLacK. i sTayed at hMe. eAt lOts oF sTuFf tHEn wAtcH tV thEn tooK a lOng nAp.

wEnt fOr kOtekItAi, aND liKE hAlF oF tHe pPl wErE sHoCkeD tO sEe me. aHHa, sRry pPL. i kNow i M.I.A fOr a lOnG tYm. hEe, tHen aFter tHAt mEEt pEisHAn. oHh, u nEh nEh liKe wAit a wHile wiLL diE lA. wEnT tO bUy hEr pAnTs, aNd i wAs supposed tO mEmoRise cArmen i/c tO gEt tHe dIscOuNt. tHAt wAs rEtArDeD. lOLS. aTe laKsA aT cEntury sQuaRe, her wAy oF eAtiNg wAs liKe a sTraNd bY a sTrANd. tHAts wAs serioUsLy lAme. met mH, wEnt walK wAlk tHEn wE wEnt tO wAtch the RECYCLE. loLS. tOok nEoPrinT bUt tUrN oUt a liTtLe sIcK. *.* oH, we bOught pOp cOrns bUt wE oNly aTe 1/4 iN tHE mOvIes. hAhH.
aHH.. lAzY tO bLog lE.. tAke cARe :DDD

Saturday, July 01, 2006

had flag day at bedok today. it was really like fun, i guess. but there were like super a lot of diff. reactions.

1. donated without us asking
2. donated when we tell them to
3. donated when we ask, stop and stared at them
4. zero reaction
5. looked at us like we were some aliens
6. say "no coins"
7. say" what sch are u frm?, u are representing ur school. tuck in!" then walked away without any donations. ^^
8. ask what association its for then donate
9. tooked out lots of coins and choose 10 cents
10. donate $10
11. say " i donate for you, then who'll donate for me?" ^^
12. run away

i'm lazy to list out all. =) yup, we went burger king for a break. pei wen, mei xin and von is like super antu about the whole thing. me,erica,serene,rashmi,denise and dennie pent like lots of tym slacking. ^.^ then we discussed about 3e1's skit. because some people just ain't happy about the idea. then like everyone just happen to have a bit of attitude. but i mean like u cum out with the whole thing planned nicely then suddenly sumone just say the idea is like so copy-fied. then u gt to change the whole thing? like hello. everyone agreed with it what. even ms chan. like u could give us ur ideas and like we could compromise or sumthing like that. but like u wanna like eliminate the whole thing just one part. whu the hell would agree with it?. i really cant help it if u think its like 2e3's skit. becus even ppl like nadiah, fadiyana says it isnt the same and there isnt any link at all.

and if ppl out there wants to have thet mindset that we are copying without even knowing anything about our skit, we cant do anything. and like it or not thats our idea. and i cant help it when u like to twist ur words and say things which are fake behind my back. what can i do if sum ppl just wants it their way and just not willing to cooperate. ohh man! this is just so piss-ing. if u dun like what i'm saying now. then press cross on the top right hand corner, becus u aint welcum here.

then after all that, den, erica, serene and rash came over to continue the skit. it was like fun somehow :DD.