Sunday, November 05, 2006

;( meTaL sTrUgGLe iS bAd. bOOs.
siNcE duNno wHEn.. i'm wAitiNg, hopinG fOr sUmtHing. =(((

okAys, tOdAy wEnt tO gRandMa hSe tO cElebRate siS, dAd aND gRandma's B-dAy. aTe lotsa stUfF wHich rEsulTed iN tHe' fAt feEliNg'
wElL, kiNdA dEpreSs tOdAy.
bUt i pAckEd aLl my bOoks aNd nOtEs. (:

iF u'rE uNwilLing tO aCkNowlEdgE a pRobLem
oR iF u'Re uNwiLling tO aCknowlEdgE
a sELf-dEstructiVe eMotiOn.
iT wUn gO aWay
evEn iF uR 'mEntAl eYe' iS cLoseD :(

Thursday, November 02, 2006

(; sCh wAs fUnn. lOLs.
i lEArn sUm mAths dUriNg lEsson. i tHink i liKe that tOPic yAhh.
wEnt tO sErene'S hSe tHen sHe cAme oVer. we'Re gNg to hAve a eAtiNg sPrEe. =]] wE hAd oniOn riNgs, sWeet aNd sAlted pOpcOrn.wE'rE makiNg jElLy aNd cOokiNg mEe sIAm lAter. (: mUHahhA. wE'rE gng to pLay nEopEtTtTs. yUppIeS... *)

sUmtYms i jUst tHnk thAt wE jUSt sHLdnT dEmaNd tO gEt tHiNgs wE aiNt cOnfiDent aBt gEtting. wE sHldnt pLace oUr bEts tOo cOnfidEntLy. cUs iN tHE eNd iT'Ll oNLy bRiNg hUmiLiatiOn. mAyBE tHAts jUst lYfEe. ((:
i reAlLy hAd grEAt fUn today. wE cooKed. lOLs, aBit aNyhOw lA. sErenE's rEcipe a bIt gOne lEis. lOLs, bUt aHh.. oNce a pRo alwAys a pRo. *-* iT turned oUt dAmn niCe thougH tHe cOokiNg proCess a liTtlE 'OFF'. hAhha
i sEriosLy wiLl mISs hEr wHen i'M awAy. bOos. :[
tO sErEnE: u bEttEr aRriVe eArLy aT MY hSe tMr aHh. ((: eHh, wAkE mE uP firSt. lOLs. cYa liTtLe lAdy. hAhHa. <3>

oKay nEopEts tYmm..

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

oHh mAn.
gOt rEpoRt bOoks bAck tOdAy. (: quiTe sAtiSfiED. lOLs.
aFter tHAt wEnt KFC, sErEne bOuGht eAriNgs. oHh, wE wALked tHE lOng lONg wAy fRm simEi tO tAm. wHoo.

wElL, fiRstLy.. i gOt tO sAy thAt iT wAs qUite oBviOus tHat wE diDnt liKEd yOu aNd u diDnt liKe uS. bUt tHE tHiNg tHAt wE cAnt dEny iS thAt wE'Ll aLl waitiNg foR eAcHotHer'S fAiLurE aNd mAke iT tHe jOkE oF thE dAy. aND wElL, mAybE uR pOst wAs fOr aNonYmoUs bUt u fAiLed uR cHem sO hElLo~ aiNt iT obvioUs thAt aNoNymOus gOt the lAst lauGh aNd i'LL tOtAlly sUpPoRt aNoNymOus nO matTEr wHo hE oR sHe iS bEcUs itS lIkE tOtally dUmb tO cOnfiDentLy tHiNk tHat u'Ll gEt tHe vEry lAst lAuGh.
weLl weLl wElL, aNd i diDnt kNow tHat u'Re sUchA uN-intErestiNg nO lYfEe pErsOn. qUite aMaziNg yAh mY oNe sHoRt pOst cAn mAke u fEel sO aMused aND eVen bE tHe jOke oF tHe cEntUry. lOLs, mayBE u jUst lEad sUm bOriNg lYfEe aNd tHerE iSnt aNy aMusmEnt in uR lYfEe.

i sAw a pOst oN a bLog thAt has lOTs oF cOmmEnts aBt nEhpok cRew.
[[[i don't care wat ppl has got to say about me. Its my life and i'll live it the way i want. Nobody can stop me, not even the NAPOK CREW. Ell, wat kind of name is that. How cheep it is. Its seems that you al are typical *****. Get a life freakos. Your English sucks like hell. And wat more, you are so ignorant, that you dun even noe who you are mixing with. Dun forget, one of them in the group is also an Indian. Have you heard of the saying: What goes around, comes around. Ah, nevermind, i dun think you have heard it, you are too busy wif your Napok Crew. LOL!!! There's another dumb person in dat group. Has she lost hers senses or wat. Wats got into her. Just because of that *****, she dumped her best friend. Nevermind, this type ppl, only bad will befall on them. They realize one day how dumb they were. By then, dun even think of coming back to us. We no longer think you necessary in our lives. We three are happy among ourselves. =)]]]COPIED FROM RESHMI GIRI"S BLOG.

hEllo~ wE dUn nOt giVe a sHYtEe aBt uR lYfEe lAdy, wE diDnt eVEn hAd thAt tiNy tHoUghTs aBt stOpiNg tHe wAy u leaD uR lYfEe. cUMoN, eVen cLeaning tHe cOw's aSs iS mUch mRe mORe eNtErtAiNiNg. (:
oHh aNd iTs NEHPOK CREW nOt NAPOK CREW.dUn teLl us tO gEt a lYfee wHEn u dUn have oNe uRsElF. iTs oUr nAme aND wE dUn nEed yOu tO cOmMEnt On iT. u tHiNk iTs a cHeap nAme. hElLo~ i tHiNk uR nAme sOund much cHeapEr :]]. aNd riGht, iTs a perSoN's choiCe tO miX aRd wiTh oTher ppL aNd wiTh cOmmOn sEnSe u wiLl sEe thiS fAct. u jUdgEd mE, u tHiNk that i'M bad iNfLuEnCe, oKay fiNE! i'Ve gOt nThing tO sAy cUs diFferEnt iNdivIduAl lOoK aT sTuFf diFferEntLy, i'Ve aCceptEd uR pOiNt oF viEw cUs i dUn tHink iT pLay an iMpOrTant roLE aNd i'M oBviOusLy unaFfectEd. bUt sHe diDnt dUmBed hEr bEstfRieNd, iT jUSt tHAt tHings diDnt tUrned oUt weLl aND tHey wEre driFtEd apArt tHats aLL.AnD lEt mE tElL u la, eVen iF oNe day everyoNe is dEad. sHe wUn gO bacK tO u gUys,oHh aND iN cAse u dO nOt kNow aHh,u aRe aLSo sUper tUrBoo-Ly nOt nEcEssAry in oUr liVEs aNd bEttEr stiLl, u cAn diSsApEar. oHh, i aDmit i dOn't qUitE liKe tHE iNdian rAce. bUt tHat dOeSn'T mEan that i hate aLl iNdIans..i tHink tHat mYdiN's a gReat fRiend aNd sO is saNofar aNd bOth aRe indIans.bTw,i'm rEaLly cUriOus..wHo aRe u to judGe our eNg. i pAssEd aLl (eXcept a-mAth) oF my sUbjEcts incLuding eNg. bUt diD u?fRm whAt i kNOw u fAiled cHem aNd bOth mAthS yAhh. tSk tSk tSk. sO iF u aInt bEtTer tHAn dUn jUdgE aND pLs la, u dUn eVen have tHE riGht tO say aNyThIng aBt oUr sTudiEs. cUs i tHinK aHh aLl oF us diD bEttEr tHan u. ^-^
wE vEry aWaRe wHu wE're miXing wiTh aNd wE'rE pErfEctLy cOntEnted wiTh oUr lIfE cOnditiOn aNd wE dUn nEed sUm aCtrEss-wAnnA-bE tO commEnt aBt uS. (:
wE'rE aLL haPpy wiTh oUr lYfEe.

hMmm, haven'T bEen bLogiNg cUs i wAs bUsy wiTh fUnErAl. +((
iT wAs hEart bReakiNg bUt mAybE that lYfEe. aNd her dEatH made mE pOnDer..

iTs sAid tHAt tHe sEcoNd mOst iNtEnse liFe strEss iS lOss oF lOve.

hOweVer wiTh dEath yOu hAve tHe pEace of kNowiNg yOu wEre in yOur loSt loVed oNe's hEart. yOu wEre nOt aBanDonEd pUrpOseLy, cAst aSide, or rEjectEd. wiTh dEath yOu cAn tAke oFf wOrk aNd gEt sYmpAthy. yOu aRe giVen giFts oF coMfoRt aNd uNderStaNdiNg. yOu cAn gO tHroUgh cLosiNg riTuaLs aNd yOu cAn fEel coNtEntmEnt tHat tHey aRe iN a beTter pLace.bUt wItH bReakUps, sEparAtion, oR diVorCe, evEn tHouGh yOu hAve tHe asSurAnce tHat tHey aRe sTilL aLive sUmwHere oN tHis EarTh, tHeir lOve wAs iNteNtionAlly wiThdrAwn fRm yOu... ThEy oPted tO lEave oR hUrt yOu. wE nO lOngEr hAve tHeir pResEnce, nOr tHeir cAre.eiTher wAy, dEath or bReakUp, yOu hAd liTtle sAy or cOntroL oVer tHe siTuatiOn.

I've oFten wOndered iF hE hAd bEen aBLe tO dEaL wiTh hIs lOSs eAsiEr iF i hAd bEen tAken aWay fRm hIm aT gOd'S wiLL wHiLE i sTiLl lOvEd hIm,iNsTeAd oF mY intEntiOnaL,dirEct wiThdRawAL oF mY lOve fOr hIm oN mY oWn voLitiOn.wULd hE fEel bEttEr if i'm dEad?i'M nOt iMpLyiNg tHat i want dEatH.tHats jUst tO sAy i tHiNk hiS owN pErsOnAl gRiEf wOuLd hAve bEen lEsS sElF-dEstRuctiVe,mOre accepTed anD sOciAlLy sUpporteD.. tHiNgs wiLl nV bE tHe sAme aGain, cUs mAyBe i thInk u had ur cHanCe bUt u bLew it aNd tHat wE'Ll nV rEturn tO tHe pAst,cUs it"l be qUite a lOng tYm befORe i'Ll bE wiLliNg tO sTart a relatiOnsHip. i'm sRry :(

oKAy, tHis'S a lOng pOst. (:
i hOpe eVeryoNe tResUre pPL aRd bEfOre iTs tOo laTe. yUpP, cUs dEath is a pErmEnAnt tHing.
tAke cArE~